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IV.-A3 ラッセル文書館報・総目次 - Index to Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studiies: New series, v.17,n.1-v.17,n.2

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V.17,n.1(Summer 1997)
  1. Editor's notes, by K. Blackwell(p.3-4)
  2. Lasting impressions of Bertie Russell(p.5-10)
    * The Denys Blakeway documentaries on Russell's life and reputation, televised by the BBC in spring 1977, ...
  3. Russell's use of truth tables, by John Shosky(p.11-26)
  4. Russell's reticence with Religion, by Larry D. Harwood(p.27-41)
  5. Russell's marginalia in his copy of Bradley's Principles of Logic, by Melanie Chalmers and Nicholas Griffin(p.43-70)
  6. Russell's early mathematical philosophy; a review of Francisco A. Rodriguez-Consuegra's The Mathematical Philosophy of Bertrand Russell; origins and development, by Darryl Jung(p.71-93)
V.17,n2(Winter 1997/1998)

  1. Editor's notes, by K. Blackwell(p.99-100)
  2. The judger in Russell's theories of judgment, by Arthur Falk(p.101-122)
  3. Russell's marginalia in his copy of William James's Principles of Psychology, by Frances Brennan and Nicholas Griffin(p.123-170)
  4. Index to Portraits from Memory and Other Essays, by Roma Hutchinson(p.171-180)
  5. Russell's paradox; a review of Alejandro R. Gariciadiego's Bertrand Russell and the Origins of the Set-theoretic 'Paradoxes'(Basel, Boston, and Berlin; Birkhauser Verlag, 1992), by Volker Peckhaus(p.181-190)
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