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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


IV.-A3 ラッセル文書館報・総目次 - Index to Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studiies: New series, v.16,n.1-v.16,n.2

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V.16,n.1(Summer 1996)
  1. Editor's notes, by K. Blackwell(p.3-4)
    * Japanese website for Russell:
    old sute [ http://www.justnet.or.jp/ ]
    new (now) https://russell-j.com/
  2. Bertrand Russell and academic freedom, by A. D. Irvine(p.5-36)
  3. "I never felt any bitterness": Alys Russell's interpretation of her separeation from Bertie, by I. Grattan-Guinness(p.37-44)
  4. The logical sturucture of Russell's negative facts, by Wayne A. Patterson(p.45-66)
  5. "... Equality from the masculine point of view...": the 2nd Earl Russell and Divorce Law Reform in England, by Gail Savage(p.67-84)
  6. Reply to Perkins on "Conditional preventive war", by Douglas Lackey(p.85-88)
  7. Recent acquisitions: manuscripts, typescripts and proofs, by Sheila Turcon(p.89-92)
  8. Russell's political philosophy; a review of Chandrakala's Liberty and Social Transformation; a study in B. Russsell's poitical thought(New Delhi, India; Heritage Pub., 1992), by Louis Greenspan(p.93-94)
V.16,n2(Winter 1996/1997)

  1. Editor's notes, by K. Blackwell(p.99-100)
  2. How did Russell write The Principles of Mathematics(1903)?, by I. Grattan-Guinness(p.101-127)
  3. Russell and his biographers, by Kirk Willis(p.129-143)
  4. (Textual studies:) Part III-IV of The Principles of Mathemmatics, by Michael Byrd(p.145-168)
  5. (Discussion:) Response to Lackey on "Conditional preventive war", by Ray Perkins, Jr.(p.169-170)
  6. Recent acquisitions: manuscripts, typescripts and proofs, by Sheila Turcon(p.171-176)
  7. Russellian analysis; a review of Paul J. Hager's Continuity and Change in the Development of Russell's Philosophy(Dordrecht, Boston and London; Kluwer Academic Pubs., 1994), by Russell Wahl(p.177-190)
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