IV.4A2a.研究論文・評論等 1981(続き) 1981-02~09.B. Russell's early philosophy II, ed. by Jaakko Hintikka. Synthese, v.46,n.2: 1981, p.149-234. 1981-02.The function of acquaintance in Russell's philosophy, by David Pears. ibid., p.149-166. RC(Photocopy) 1981-03.On denoting what?, by Jaakko Hintikka. ibid., p.167-183. 1981-04.Russell's philosophical development, by James Cappio. ibid., p.185-205. RC(Photocopy) 1981-05.Logical atomism and ontological atoms, by William Lycan. ibid., p.207-229. 1981-06.Acquaintance, by Romane Clark. ibid., p.231-246. 1981-07.Russell and Kant, by J. Alberto Coffa. ibid., p.247-263. RC(Photocopy) 1981-08.Russell, Kant, and Coffa, by J. Hintikka. ibid., p.265-270. RC(Photocopy) |
1981-09.Forms of belief, by Richard E. Grandy. ibid., p.271-284. 1981-10.The analytic and synthetic in Russell's philosophy of mathematics, by G. G. Taylor. Philosophical Studies, v.39: 1981, p.51-59. 1981-11.Estructura de lo real sensible; apostillas a Russell y Husserl, by Francisco Poyatos Suárez. Pensamiento, v.37: 1981, p.313-333. RC(Photocopy) 1981-12.Origines de la découverte par Leibniz du calcul infinitésimal, Frege et le projet des Grundlagen, Le theorie des types de Russell et Whitehead. Cahiers du Centre de Logique, v.2(Louvain-la-Neuve, Cabay, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Institut Superieur de Philsophie, 1981, vi,60 p.), p.?. 1982 1982-01.Some philosophical remarks on the theory of types in intensional logic, by Daniel Vanderveken. Erkenntnis; an international journal of analysic philosophy, v.17,.n.1: Jan. 1982, p.85-112. RC(Photocopy) |