IV.4A2a.研究論文・評論等 1980(続き) 1980-04.Incomplete symbols and Russell's proof, by W. Kent Wilson. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, v.10,n.2: June 1980, p.233-250. RC(Photocopy) 1980-05.La théorie des descriptions définies de Russell ou le problème de la référence , by Denis Vernant. Revue de Métaphisique et de Morale, Année 85,n.4: Oct./Dec. 1980, p.489-502. RC(Photocopy) 1980-06.Russell's substitutional theory, by Peter Hylton. Synthese, v.45,n.1: Sept. 1980, p.1-31. RC(Photocopy) 1980-07.Russell as a Platonic dialogue; the matter of denoting, by J. Alberto Coffa. Synthese, v.45,n.1: Sept. 1980, p.43-70. RC(Photocopy) 1980-08.The development of the theory of logical types and the notion of a logical subject in Russell's early philosophy, by Nico Cocchiarella. Synthese, v.45,n.1: Sept. 1980, p.71-115. RC(Photocopy) 1980-09.Russell on the nature of logic(1903-1913), by Nicholas Griffin. Synthese, v.45,n.1: Sept. 1980, p.117-188. RC(Photocopy) |
1980-10.B. Russell and Ireland, by Richard Davis. Australian Journal of Politics and History, v.26,n.2: 1980, p.279-283. RC(Photocopy) 1980-11.Russell, negative facts, and ontology, by L. N. Oaklander & S. Miracchi. Philosophy of Science, v.47,n.3: 1980, p.434-455. * Summary: p.434. 1980-12.Russell's "proof", again, by James D. Carney. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, v.10: 1980, p.587-592. 1980-13.Leibniz and Russell on existence and quantification theory, by Jeffrey Skosnik. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, v.10: 1980, p.681-720. 1980-14.La filosofia de Russell y su concepción de la filosofia, by S. Duque-Hernández. Cuestiones Teológicas Medellin, 1980, p.71-93. 1981 1981-01.A reconstruction of Russell's early ontological development, by D. A. Griffiths. Philosophical Quarterly, v.31: Apr. 1981, p.145-152. |