1967 02.The Theory of Knowledge of Bertrand Russell; an exposition and realist assessment, by John Chisholm. Rome; Catholic Book Agency, 1967. viii,92 p. 25 cm. * Dissertation presented to the Faculty of Letters of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, in partial fullfilment of the recquirements for the Doctorate of Philosophy: Extract. * Contents: Part I: Exposition of Russell's theory of knowledge. Part II: A critical assessment of Russell's theory. Conclusion. Abbreviations. Bibliography. RC 03.Bertrand Russell ou la paix dans la verite, par Philippe Devaux. Paris; Seghers, 1967. 192 p. pl. 16 cm. (Philosophes de tous les temps, 36) * Presentation, choix de texts (traduits de B. Russell), bio-bibliographie par P. Devaux. 04.Razionalismo di Bertrand Russell, by Luki Galaction-Passarelli. Rome; Scaparro, 1967? 20 p. 22 cm. 05-1.1.Bertrand Russell and the British Tradition in Philosophy, by David Francis Pears. London; Collins, c1967. 285 p. 18 cm. (Fontana library, 1526L) * Bibliography: p.272-275. * Contents: Preface. Introduction. 1.Preliminary remarks about existence. 2.Hume's system. 3.Russell's views about sense-data. 4.Russell's logical apparatus. 5.The formal treatment of existence. 6.Logic and knowledge. 7.Lines of analysis. 8.The destination. 9.An alternative destination. 10.What is being denied? 11.Sense-data and truth. 12.Judgement. 13.Wittgenstein's criticism, and the construction of Russell's new theory of judgement. 14.Generality. 15.Traditions. Bibliography. Index. * Reprinted with corrections in 1968. RC/東大総合、教養研/東工大研(八杉、石本)/筑波/早 05-1.2. ... New York; Random House, 1967. 285 p. 22 cm. |
2nd ed. 05-2. ... 2nd ed. London; Collins, 1972. 285 p. * Contains preface to the 2nd ed. RC 1968(Russell, 96歳) 01.Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Education, by Pacifico D. Espanto. Quezon City; University of the Philippines, 1968. 176 p. 23 cm. (The Diliman review, v.16,n.2-3) * Bibliography: p.172-176. 02-1.Bertrand Russell; philosopher and humanist, by John Lewis. London; Lawrence & Wishart, 1968. 96 p. 18 cm. * Contents: Foreward. 1.The two B. Russells. 2.The making of a philosopher. 3.The one and the many. 4.Foundations. 5.Some loose stones. 6.Mind and matter. 7."You're right if you think you are". 8.Man and RC(=paper ed.) 02-2. ... New York; International Publishers, 1968. 96 p. 21 cm. (New World Paperbacks, NW-99) 03.Bertrand Russell, by Dionisio Perez. Barcelona; Fontanella, 1968. 204 p. 18 cm. (Testigos del siglo XX, n.21) * Biography and an exposition of Russell's thought. 04.Lecons sur la Premiere Philosophie de Russell, par Jules Vuillemin. Paris; Armand Colin, 1968. 359 p. 24 cm. (Philosophies pour l'age de la science) * Contents: Premiere section: L'economie logique des Principles of Mathematics(1903) 1.Le calcul propositionnel. 2.Le calcul des classes. 3.Le calcul des relatoins. 4.Les antinomies. Deuxieme section: La philosohie des principles. 5.Le principe des relations externes et le principe d'abstraction. 6.Les princiles du realisme. 7.Le principe du logicisme. 8.Le principe de parcimonie. 9.Le principe du parallelisme logico-grammatical. 10.Les absolus. 11.Objections Russelliennes a Frege. Conclusion. Bibliographie. Index des auteurs. Index des matieres. RC/阪大 |