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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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前ページ 所蔵館正式名称 ラッセル書誌・目次 次ページ 

03.The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, by Igor' Sergeevich Narskii (in Russian). Moscow, 1962. 89 p. illus. 22 cm.

1963(Russell, 91歳)

01.Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Morals, by Lillian Woodworth Aiken. New York; Humanities Press, 1963. xvii, 172 p. 23 cm.
* Contents: Acknowledgements. Preface. Part I: Intuitionism; 1910-1915. 1.The nature of ethical inquiry. 2.The analysis of "good". 3.Santayana's critique of Russell. 4.Epistemological background of Russell's intuitionism. 5.Russell's analysis of right and wrong. 6.Moral scepticism. Part II: Russell and the emotive theory; 1915-1953. Introduction: Russell's rejection of intuitionism. 7.Russell's early emotivism. 8.The development of Russell's ethical theory from 1925-1927. 9.Russell's ethical theory as expressed in Religion and Science, 1935. 10.The development of Russell's ethical theory in Power, 1938. 11.Contemporary critique of Russell's ethical theory. 12.Russell's answer to his critics. 13.Ethics and knowledge. 14.Love and knowledge. Bibliography. Index.

02-1.Bertrand Russell on Education, by Joe Park. Columbus; Ohio State University Press, c1963. xiv, 193 p. 21 cm. (Studies in educational theory of the John Dewey Society, 1)
* A comprehensive treatment based upon interviews with Russell and research in his writings and the source of his thought.
* Contents: Preface. Acknowledgements. 1.Introduction. 2.Some aspects of B. Russell's philosophy. 3.Sources of Russell's theory of education. 4.The church, the state, and the 'herd'. 5.Education and the good life. 6.The Beacon Hill School. 7.An appraisal. Bibliography. Index.

02-2. ... London; Allen & Unwin, 1964. 147 p. 23 cm.
* First pub. in Great Britain in 1964.

1964(Russell, 92歳)

01.De Levensfilosofie van Bertrand Russell, by Jaak Fontier. Antwerpen; Humanistische Verbound van Belgie, 1964? 40 p. 25 cm. (Diogenes cahier, 4)
1965(Russell, 93歳)

01.Logical Constructions, by John Wisdom, with an introd. by Judith Javis Thomson. New York; Random House, 1965. 181 p. 21 cm. (A Random House study in philosophy, SPH 20)

1966(Russell, 94歳)

01.The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, by Robert Sherman Ehrlich. New York; Monarch Press, c1966. 106 p. 22 cm.
* Monarch notes and study guides, n.864-869.

1967(Russell, 95歳)

01-1.Bertrand Russell; philosopher of the century: essays in his honour, ed. by Ralph Schoenman. London; Allen & Unwin, 1967. 326 p. 22 cm.
* Contents: Preface by R. Schoenman. Section I: An intimage glance. 1.Fifty years; 1916-1966, by Constance Malleson. 2.An old friendship, by Julian Trevelyan. 3.Fifty year's influence, by Victor Purcell. 4.To oppose the stream, by I. F. Stone. Section II: The public man. 5.Civil disobedience and morals, by Michael Scott. 6.Prophets and priests, by Erich Fromm. 7.Would civilization survive a nuclear war?, by Linus Pauling. Section III: Philosopher and writer. 8.The relevance of style, by Aldous Huxley. 9.A philosophical debt, by Herbert Read. 10. -i)Some personal impressions of Russell as a philosopher; -ii)Some perception on sense-perception, by C. D. Broad. 11.Reflections of a physicism, by Max Born. 12.An early appreciation, by Hans Reichenback. 13.Rudolf Carnap; the cross currents, by Maria Reichenbach. 14.Russell's concept of 'philosophy' by Werner Bloch. 15.An appraisal of B. Russell's philosophy, by A. J. Ayer. Section IV: Mathematician and logician. 16.Existence and description in formal logic, by Dana Scott. 17.Mathematical logic; what has it done for the philosophy of mathematics?, by Georg Kreisel. 18.The thesis that mathmatics is logic, by Hilary Putnam. 19.Russell's ontological development, by W. W. Quine. Addenda to contribution by Georg Kreisel. The contributors. Index.

01-2. ... Boston; Little, Brown, 1967? 326 p. 22 cm.

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