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The Collected Papers of B. Russell, v.11: Last Philosophical Testament, 1943-68, ed. by John G. Slater with the assistance of Peter Kollner.

1.London and New York; Routledge, 1997. xxx,859 p. illus. 24 cm. ISBN: 0-04-920095-X (Set)
Abbreviations. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Chronology. Part I: Autobiographical and self-critical writings. Headnote to three contributions to The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell (1-2b) 1.My Mental Development [1944] 2a.Reply to Criticisms [1944] 2b.Addendum to My "Reply to Criticisms" [1965] 3.My Own Philosophy [1946] 4.The Faith of a Rationalist [1947] 5.Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic?: A Plea for Tolerance in the Face of New Dogmas [1949] Headnote to Four Autobiographical Broadcasts (6-9): 6.Why I Took to Philosophy [1955] 7.Some Philosophical Contacts [1955] 8.Beliefs: Discarded and Retained [1955] 9.My Debt to German Learning [1955] Part II: Non-demonstrative Inference. Headnote to five papers on non-demonstrative inference (10-14) 10.Project of Future Work [1943] 11.Postulates of Scientific Method [1943] 12.Non-Deductive Inference [1945?] 13.Postulates of Scientific Inference [1948] 14.Note on Non-Demonstrative Inference and Induction [1959] 15.The Nature and Origin of Scientific Method [1948] Part III: On Some of his younger contemporaries. Headnote to two papers on logical positivism (16-17) 16.Logical Positivism [1945] 17.Logical Positivism [1950] Headnote to two reviews of Ayer (18-19) 18.Review of A.J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic [1947] 19.Light versus Heat [1954] 20.Ludwig Wittgenstein [1951] Part IV: On some of his older contemporaries. 21.Foreword to Feibleman, Introduction to Peirce's Philosophy [1946] Headnote to three papers on Whitehead (22-24) 22.Whitehead and Principia Mathematica [1948] 23.Alfred North Whitehead [1952] 24.A Sage's Table-Talk [1954] 25.Reminiscences of McTaggart [1948] 26.George Santayana [1953] Headnote to two papers on G.E. Moore (27-28) 27.Prof. G.E. Moore/Influence on Lord Russell [1958] 28.The Influence and Thought of G.E. Moore [1959] 29.Preface to Le Probleme logique de l'induction, Jean Nicod [1961] Part V: Metaphysics and epistemology. Headnote to two papers on philosophy (30a-30b) 30a.Philosophy [1945?] 30b.Philosophy [1945?] 31.Hume [1946] 32.Mind and Matter in Modern Science [1945] 33.The Problem of Universals [1946] 34.Rewards of Philosophy [1948] 35.Mind and Matter [1950] 36.The Principle of Individuation [1950] 37.Perception [1957] 38.Notes on Philosophy [1960] Part VI: Logic and the philosophy of mathematics. 39.Preface to William Kingdon Clifford, The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences [1946] 40.Review of Rupert Crawshay-Williams, The Comforts of Unreason [1947] 41.William of Occam: Empiricist and Democrat [1949] 42.When Is an Opinion Rational? [1950] 43.Is Mathematics Purely Linguistic? [1950] 44.Mathematical Infinity [1958] Part VII: Ethics and politics. 45.The Thinkers Behind Germany's Sins [1944] 46.What Is Democracy? [1946] Headnote to papers 47-48. 47.Philosophy for Laymen [1946] 48.Comments on Articles on Philosophy [1947] 49.A Plea for Clear Thinking [1947] 50.Philosophy and Politics [1947] 51.Review of Amber Blanco White, Ethics for Unbelievers [1949] 52.Le Philosophe en temps de crise [1950] 53.Freedom and the Philosopher [1951] 54.Reason and Passion [1952] 55.The Idea of Progress [1953] 56.The Spirit of Inquiry [1953] 57.A Philosophy for Our Time [1953] 58.Knowledge and Wisdom [1954] 59.The Duty of a Philosopher in This Age [1964] Part VIII: John Stuart Mill. Headnote to eight papers on John Stuart Mill (60-67) 60.John Stuart Mill and the Idea of Liberty [1948] 61.Mill on Liberty [1950] 62.John Stuart Mill: On Liberty [1951] 63.The Saint of Rationalism [1954] 64.A Good-Hearted Philosopher [1954] 65.Influence of John Stuart Mill [1955] 66.John Stuart Mill [1955] 67.A Discussion on Liberty [1956] Part IX: Critique of religion. 68.The Existence of God [1948] 69.Is There a God? [1952] 70.What is an Agnostic? [1953] 71.Do Science and Religion Conflict? [1954] 72.Preface to Why I am Not a Christian [1957] Part X: Albert Einstein. Headnote to eight papers on Einstein (73-80) 73.Einstein and the Theory of Relativity [1949] 74.Man of the Half-Century? I Choose Einstein [1950] 75.Albert Einstein [1955] 76.The Greatness of Albert Einstein [1955] 77.Preface to Einstein on Peace [1960] 78.Statement on Einstein [1964] 79.Broadcast Concerning Einstein [1965] 80.Foreword to The Born-Einstein Letters [1968] Part XI: Critique of ordinary language philosophy. Headnote to six papers on ordinary language philosophy (81-86) 81.The Cult of "Common Usage" [1953] 82.Philosophical Analysis [1956] 83.Logic and Ontology [1957] 84.Mr. Strawson on Referring [1957] 85.What is Mind? [1958] 86.Introduction to Ernest Gellner, Words and Things [1959] Appendixes. i."Philosophy for Lay Students" by W.B. Gallie [1947] ii. Le Principe d'individuation [1950] iii.Un Filosofo de Buon Cuore [1954] iv.Foreword to Logic and Knowledge [1956] v."Infinity" by E.R. Emmet [1957] vi.[Manuscript RA1 220.016640] vii.Russell's Notes on Warnock, Strawson, Ryle and Gellner. viii.Russell's Last Philosophical Writing [1968] Annotation. Textual Notes. Bibliographical Index. General Index.
The Collected Papers of B. Russell, v.12: Contemplation and Action, 1902-14, ed. by Richard A. Rempel, Andrew Brink and Margaret Moran.

1.London and Boston; George and Allen & Unwin; 1985. lv,612 p. illus. 24 cm. ISBN: 0-04-920095-X (Set)
Abbreviations. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Chronology. Part I: "Ashes of dead hopes". 1.Journal [1902-05] Part II: "Refuge in pure contemplation." 2.The Pilgrimage of Life [1902-03] a.The Return to the Cave. b.Untitled. c.Untitled. d.The Worship of Truth. e.The Message of Nature. f.Untitled. g.Duty and Fate. h.Wisdom. i.The Past. j.Untitled. k.The Two Races of Man. l.Untitled. m.Untitled. n.The Communion of Saints. o.Untitled. p.The Ocean of Life. q.Austerity. r.Gentleness. s.The Forgiveness of Sins. t.The Atonement. u.Religion. 3.The Education of the Emotions [c. 1902] 4.The Free Man's Worship [1903] 5.On History [1904] 6.The Study of Mathematics [1907] Part III: "Of the two natures in man." 7.Prisons [1911] a.Untitled Outline. b.Contemplation. c.Action and Contemplation. d.Freedom and Bondage. e.Prisons I. f.The Good. 8.The Essence of Religion [1912] 9.The Perplexities of John Forstice [1912] 10.Mysticism and Logic [1914] Part IV: Ddfence of free trade. General Headnote. 11.Literature of the Fiscal Controversy [1904] 12.The Tariff Controversy [1904] 13.Mr. Charles Booth on Fiscal Reform [1904] 14.Old and New Protectionism [1904] 15.International Competition [1904] 16.Mr. Charles Booth's Proposals for Fiscal Reform [1904] 17.Mr. Gerald Balfour on Countervailing Duties [1904] Part V: Liberalism and women's suffrage. General Headnote. 18.On the Democratic Ideal [c. 1906] 19.The Status of Women [c. 1906] 20.The Wimbledon By-Election [1907] 21.After the Second Reading [1908] 22.Mr. Asquith's Pronouncement [1908] 23.Liberalism and Women's Suffrage [1908] 24.The Present Situation [1909] 25.Should Suffragists Welcome the People's Suffrage Federation? [1909] 26.Address to the Bedford Liberal Association [1910] 27.Anti-Suffragist Anxieties [1910] Part VI: Other Edwardian contraversies. 28.Religion and Metaphysics, review of McTaggart [1906] Headnote to Reviews of Robertson (29-30) 29.A History of Free Thought, review of Robertson [1906] 30.Free thought Ancient and Modern, review of Robertson [1906] 31.The Development of Morals, review of Hobhouse [1907] 32.Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic, review of Trevelyan [1907] Headnote to Reviews of Chatterton-Hill (33-34) 33.The Politics of a Biologist, review of Chatterton-Hill [1907] 34.Biology and Politics, review of Chatterton-Hill [1908] 35.Memories and Studies, review of James [1911] 36.Dramatic and Utilitarian Ethics [1911] 37.The Professor's Guide to Laughter, review of Bergson [1912] 38.The Place of Science in a Liberal Education [1913] 39.The Ordination Service [1913-14] a.The Proposed Change in the Ordination Service [1913] b.Mr. Russell's Reply [1913] c.Inspiration [1914] 40.Clio, A Muse, review of Trevelyan [1913] Appendices. i.Press Clippings of Russell's Free Trade Speeches [1904] ii.Comments on Sociological Papers [1904-05] iii.Press Clippings on the Wimbledon By-Election [1907] iv.Meeting at Cambridge [1907] v.Deputation to Mr. Asquith [1908] vi.A Protest from the Voteless [1910] vii.Women's Suffrage [1911] viii.Persia [1911] ix.Protest Against the Prosecutions [1912] x.Letters from Professor Gwatkin [1913-14] xi.The Harvard Crimson Interview [1914] Annotation. Textual Notes. Bibliographical Index. General Index














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