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The Collected Papers of B. Russell, v.9: Essays on Language, Mind and Matter, 1919-26, edited by John G. Slater, with the assistance of Bernd Frohmann.

1.London and Boston; Unwin Hyman, 1988. xl,658 p. illus. 24 cm. ISBN: 0-04-920095-X (Set)
Abbreviations. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Chronology. Part I: Philosophy of Mind and Psychology. 1.Analysis of Mind [1919] Headnote to three short manuscripts (2-4). 2.Miscellaneous notes [1919] 3.Analysis of knowing [1919] 4.Points on memory [1919] Headnote to reviews of two psychology books (5-6) 5.Feeble-minded and others [1920] 6.What constitutes intelligence? [1923] 7.Mr. Bertrand Russell's Analysis of Mind [1922] 8.Instinct and the unconscious [1922] 9.Dr. Schiller's analysis of The Analysis of Mind [1922] 10.Behaviourism [1923] Headnote to two reviews of Broad (11-12) 11.Mind and Matter [1925] 12.Review of C.D. Broad, The Mind and Its Place in Nature [1926] 13.Behaviourism and values [1926] Part II: Logic, epistemology and semantics. Headnote to Two reviews of Bosanquet (14-15) 14.Is logic deductive? [1920] 15.The nature of inference [1920] 16.The meaning of "meaning" [1920] 17.Mathematical philosophy [1920] 18.Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [1921] 19.Review of J.M. Keynes, A Treatise on Probability [1922] 20.Physics and perception [1922] Headnote to two reviews of Ogden and Richards (21-22) 21.The mastery of words [1923] 22.The meaning of meaning [1926] 23.Vagueness [1923] Headnote to two working papers for the second edition of Principia Mathematica (24-25) 24.Truth-functions and meaning-functions [1923] 25.What is meant by "A believes p"? [1923] 26.Logical atomism [1924] 27.Perception [1926] 28.Theory of Knowledge [1926] Part III: Science, mathematics and the philosophy of science. Headnote to five papers on relativity theory (29-33) 29.Einstein's theory of gravitation [1919] 30.The relativity theory of gravitation [1920] 31.The theory of relativity [1922] 32.Einstein [1923] 33.Philosophical consequences of relativity [1926] Headnote to reviews of four books on the theory of relativity (34-37) 34.Relativity, scientific and metaphysical [1922] 35.Science and metaphysics [1923] 36.The new gravitation [1924] 37.Relativity in dialogue form [1926] Headnote to four papers on the atom (38-41) 38.The interior of the atom [1923] 39.The atom: its structure and its problems [1923] 40.Atoms in modern physics [1924] 41.The structure of the atom [1925] Headnote to reviews of four books on science and mathematics (42-45) 42.Review of C.D. Broad, Scientific Thought [1923] 43.The beginnings of mathematics [1924] 44.Natural laws [1924] 45.Leonardo as a man of science [1926] 46.The philosophical analysis of matter [1925] 47.Introduction to Vasiliev's Space Time Motion [1924] 48.Materialism, past and present [1924] 49.Preface to Nicod's La Geometrie dans le monde sensible [1924] Headnote to reviews of Burtt and Whitehead (50-52) 50.The dogmas of naturalism [1925] 51.Relativity and religion [1926] 52.Is science superstitious? [1926] Part IV: Ethics, politics and religion. Headnote to reviews of two books in political philosophy (53-54) 53.Philosophers and rebels [1919] 54.Philosophy and virtue [1919] 55.Review of Clutton-Brock [1919] a.The mystic vision [1919] b.The mystic vision [1919] Headnote to two reviews of Lossky (56-57) 56.The possibility of knowledge [1919] 57.Is knowledge intuitive? [1919] 58.Is there an absolute good? [1922] Headnote to reviews of two books in ethics (59-60) 59.What is morality? [1922] 60.Does ethics influence life? [1924] 61.Psychology and politics [1926] 62.A Russian communist philosopher [1926] Part V* History of philosophy and individual philosophers. 63.The religion of neo-Platonism [1919] Headnote to two reviews of Aristotelian Society publications (64-65) 64.Philosophy and the soul [1919] 65.A Microcosm of British Philosophy [1919] Headnote to three reviews of Joad (66-68) 66.Common-sense philosophy [1919] 67.Philosophy without paradox [1919] 68.A philosophic realist [1919] Headnote to reviews of American, British and Irish philosophers (69-73) 69.The noble army of philosophers [1919] 70.The wisdom of our ancestors [1920] 71.Analytic and synthetic philosophers [1922] 72.Philosophic idealism at bay [1922] 73.The Christian warrior [1922] Headnote to five reviews of Santayana (74-78) 74.The aroma of evanescence [1922] 75.What constitutes rationality? [1923] 76.A synthetic mind [1923] 77.Mephistopheles and the Brute [1923] 78.A new system of philosophy [1923] 79.From Comte to Bergson [1922] 80.Lord Balfour on methodological doubt [1923] Headnote to reviews of three books on Eastern philosophy (81-82) 81.Philosophy in India and China [1923] 82.Early Chinese philosophy [1923] 83.Philosophy in the twentieth century [1924] Appendixes. i."a new theory of measurement" [1919] ii.Two letters on "The mystic vision" [1919] iii.Syllabuses of lecture courses [1919-26] iv.F.C.S. Schiller's "Mr. Russell's psychology" [1922] Annotation. Textual notes. Bibliographical index. General Index.
The Collected Papers of B. Russell, v.10: A Fresh Look at Empiricism, 1927-1942, ed. by John G. Slater with the assistance of Peter Kollner.

1.London and New York; Routledge, 1996. xxxvii,886 p. illus. 24 cm. ISBN: 0-04-920095-X (Set)
Abbreviations. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Chronology. Part I: Autobiographical writing. 1.Things that have moulded me [1927] 2.How I came by my creed [1929] 3.My religious reminiscences [1938] Part II: History and philosophy of science. 4.Events, matter, and mind [1927] 5.Had Newton never lived [1927] 6.Einstein [1928] 7.The future of science [1928] Headnote to four reviews of Eddington (8-11) 8.Physics and theology [1929] 9.Review of Sir Arthur Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World [1928] 10.Review of Sir Arthur Eddington, The Expanding Universe [1933] 11.Scientific certainty and uncertainty [1935] 12.Review of James Jeans, The mysterious universe [1930] 13.Determinism and physics [1936] 14.Headnote to papers 14a-14b. a.Philosophy and common sense [1938] b.Philosophy and common sense [1938] Part III: Logic and probability theory. 15.Mr. F.P. Ramsey on logical paradoxes [1928] 16.A tribute to Morris Raphael Cohen [1927] 17.Probability and Fact [1930] Headnote to two reviews of Ramsey (18,19) 18.Review of Ramsey, The foundations of mathematics [1931] 19.Review of Ramsey, The foundations of Mathematics [1931] 20.Congress of Scientific Philosophy [1936] 21.On order in time [1936] 22.On the importance of logical form [1938] 23.Dewey's New Logic [1939] Part IV: Educational theory. 24.How Behaviourists Teach Behaviour [1928] 25.The application of science to education [1928] Part V: Writing critical of religion. 26.Why I am not a Christian [1927] 27.Bertrand Russell's confession of faith [1927] 28.What is the soul? [1929] 29 Why Mr. Wood Is Not a Freethinker [1929] 30.Has religion made useful contributions to Civilization? [1929] 31.Is religion desirable? [1929] 32.Morality and religion [1929] 33.Science and religion [1935?] 34.Need morals have a religious basis? [1937] 35.The existence and nature of God [1939] Part VI: Epistemology and metaphysics. 36.Physics and metaphysics [1928] 37.On the value of scepticism [1928] 38.Bertrand Russell replies [1929] 39.Analysis of mind [1932] 40.The decrease of knowledge [1935] 41.Headnote to three papers on "useless" knowledge [1933- 35] a.The social importance of culture [1933] b.On curious learning [1934] c."Useless knowledge" [1935] 42.The limits of empiricism [1936] 43.Philosophy and grammar [1936] 44.Philosophy's ulterior motives [1937] 45.On verification [1938] 46.The relevance of psychology to logic [1938] 47.Non-materialistic naturalism [1942] Part VII: Ethics and politics. 48.How will science change morals? [1928] 49.Democracy and emotion [1929] 50.Is there a new morality? [1929] 51.How science has changed society [1932] Headnote to four papers on ethics and law for the Hearst newspapers (52-55) 52.On utilitarianism [1933] 53.Individualist ethics [1933] 54.Respect for law [1933] 55.Competitive ethics [1934] 56.The philosophy of communism [1934] 57.The ancestry of fascism [1935] 58.Freedom and government [1940] 59.On keeping a wide horizon [1941] Part VIII: History of philosophy. 60.Philosophy in the twentieth century [1936] 61.Plato in Modern Dress [1937] 62.The philosophy of Santayana [1940] Headnote to four Dialogues with Fellow Authors (63-66) 63.Hegel: Philosophy of History [1941] 64.Descartes: A discourse on Method [1942] 65.Benedict de Spinoza: Ethics [1942] 66.Lewis Carroll: Alice in Wonderland [1942] Part IX: The "How-to" series. Headnote to three "How-To" Papers (67-69) 67.How To become a philosopher [1942] 68.How To become a logician [1942] 69. How to become a Mathematician [1942] Appendixes i.Syllabus for Lecture Course [1927] ii."Achilles and the tortoise" by F.P. Ramsey [1927] iii.:"Sweet treasonableness" by S.D. Schmalhausen [1928] iv."The Scientific Society" by Bertrand Russell [1933] v.Report in Fabian News of paper 57 [1935] vi. [Manuscript 220.016640] [1937?] vii. Two letters by Hyman Levy [1938] viii. "The Relevance of psychology to logic" by R.B. Braithwaite [1938] ix. John Dewey's Reply to Paper 23 [1939] x. Santayana's Reply to Paper 62 [1940] xi."A Philosophy for you in these times" [1941] xii.Notes on Descartes for paper 64 [1942] xiii.Notes for Lewis Carroll broadcast, paper 66 [1942] xiv.Nine Manuscripts Preliminary to Paper 42 [1936] Annotation. Textual notes. Bibliographical index. General index




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