一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項 | 一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項 |
37(1940) An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth; the William James lectures for 1940, delivered at Harvard University. 1.London; Allen & Unwin, 1940. 352 p. 22 cm. [Contents] Preface. Introduction. 1.What is a word? 2.Sentences, syntax, and parts of speech. 3.Sentences describing experiences. The object-language. 5.Logical words. 6.Proper names. 7.Egocentric particulars. 8.Perception and knowledge. Epistemological premisses. 10.Basic propositions. 1l.Factual premisses. 12.An analysis of problems concerning propositions. 13.The significance of sentences: A.General. B.Psychological. C.Syntactical. 14.Languages as expression. 15.What sentences "indicates". 16.Truth and falsehood, preliminary discussion. 17.Truth and experience. 18.General beliefs. 19.Extensionality and atomicity. 20.The law of excluded middle. 21.Truth and verification. 22.Significance and verification. 23.Warranted assertibility. 24.Analysis. 25.Language and metaphysics. Index. ![]() 2.New York; Norton, 1940. 445 p. 22 cm. 3.Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Penguin Books, 1962. 333 p. 19 cm. (Pelican books, A590) ![]() 4.Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Penguin Books, 1973. 333 p. 19 cm. (Penguin university book) ![]() 5.Fisrt pub. in Unwin Paperbacks, 1980. 352 p. 20 cm. X02(1941) Let the People Think; a Selections of Essays by B. Russell. 1.London; Watts, 1941. 116 p. 17cm. (Thinker's library, 84) * From (26)Sceptical Essays; & (32)In Praise of Idleness, and Other Essays. * Watts & Co. から1941年に出版された本書に収録された下記の10本のエッセイは、1958年に New York の Philosophical Library からだされた The Will to Doubt に、順番こそ異なるが、そのまま収録されている。Philosophical Library が、版権を買い取ったのであろうか? [Contents] Publisher's note. On the value of scepticism. Can men be rational? Free thought and official propaganda. Is science superstitious? Stoicism and mental health. The ancestry of fascism. "Useless" knowledge. On youthful cynicism. Modern homogeneity. Men versus insects. What is the soul? On comets. ![]() 2.London; Rationalist Press Association, 1961. 116 p. |
38(1945) A History of Western Philosophy, and Its Connection With Political and Social Circumstances From The Earliest Times To The Present Day. 1.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1945. xxiii,895 p. 23 cm. [Contents] Preface. Introduction. Book 1: Ancient philosophy; Pt.I: The pre-Socratics. 1.The rise of Greek civilization. 2.The Milesian School. 3.Pythagoras. 4.Heraclitus. 5.Parmenides. 6.Empedocles. 7.Athens in relation to culture. 8.Anaxagoras. 9.The atomists. 10.Protagoras. Pt.II: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. 11.Socrates. 12.The influence of Sparta. 13.The sources of Plato's opinions. 14.Plato's utopia. 15.The theory of ideas. 16.Plato's theory of immorality. 17.Plato's cosmogony. 18.Knowledge and perception in Plato. 19.Aristotle's metaphysics. 20.Aristotle's ethics. 21.Aristotle's politics. 22.Aristotle's logic. 23.Aristotle's physics. 24.Early Greek mathematics and astronomy. Pt.III: Ancient philosophy after Aristotle. 25.Hellenistic world. 26.Cynics and sceptics. 27.The Epicureans. 28.Stoicism. 29.The Roman Empire in relation to culture. 30.Plotinus. Book 2: Catholic philosophy. Introduction. PT.1: Fathers. 1.The religious development of the Jews. 2.Christian during the first four centuries. 3.Three doctors of the church. 4.Saint Augustine's philosophy and theology. 5.The fifth and sixth centuries. 6.Saint Benedict and Gregory the Great. Pt.II: The Schoolmen. 7.The Papacy in the Dark Ages. 8.John the Scott. 9.Ecclesiastical reform in the eleventh century. 10.Mohammedan culture and philosophy. 11.The twelfth century. 12.The thirteenth century. 13.Saint Thomas Aquinas. 14.Franciscan Schoolmen. 15.The eclipse of the papacy. Book 3: Modern philosophy. Pt.I: From the Renaissance to Hume. 1.General characteristics. 2.The Italian Renaissance. 3.Machiavelli. 4.Erasmus and More. 5.The Reformation and counter-Reformation. 6.The rise of sceince. 7.Francis Bacon. 8.Hobbes's Leviathan. 9.Descartes. 10.Spinoza. 11.Leibniz. 12.Philosophical liberalism. 13.Lock's theory of knowledge. 14.Lock's political philosophy. 15.Locke's influence. 16.Berkerley. 17.Hume. Pt.II: From Rousseau to the present day. 18.The Romantic movement. 19.Rousseau. 20.Kant. 21.Currents of thought in the nineteenth century. 22.Hegel. 23.Byron. 24.Schopenhauer. 25.Nietzsche. 26.The Unitarians. 27.Karl Marx. 28.Bergson. 29.William James. 30.John Dewey. 31.The philosophy of logical analysis. Index. * 'This book owes its existence to Dr. Albert C. Barnes, having been originally designed and partly delivered as lectures at the Barnes Foundation in Pennsylvania. As in most of my work during the last thirteen years, I have been greatly assisted, in research and in many other ways, by my wife, Patricia Russell (From: Preface.)' ![]() |