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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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Religion and Science.

1.London; Oxford University Press, 1935. 256 p. 18 cm. (Home University Library of Modern Knowledge, 176)
1.Grounds of conflict. 2.The Copernican revolution. 3.Evolution. 4.Demonology. 5.Soul and body. 6.Determinism. 7.Mysticism. 8.Cosmic purpose. 9.Science and ethics. 10.Conclusion. Index.

2.New York; Holt, 1935. 271 p. 23 cm.

3.London; Butterworth-Nelson, 1935. 256 p.

4.Tokyo; Marzen, 1960. 256 p. 18 cm.
* Reprint of the 1935 ed.

5.London & Oxford; Oxford Univercity Press, 1961. 256 p.

Which Way to Peace?

1.London; Michael Joseph, 1936. 224 p. 19 cm.
1.The iminent danger of war. 2.The nature of the next war. 3.Isolation. 4.Collective security. 5.Alliances. 6.The policy of expedients. 7.Wars of principle. 8.Pacifism as a national policy. 9.Some warlike fallacies. 10.Conditions for permanent peace. 11.Peace and current politics. 12.Individual pacifism.

2.(要調査)Canada; S. J. R. Sauners.








The Amberley Papers; the Letters and Diaries of Lord and Lady Amberley. 2 vols.

1.London; Hogarth, 1937. 2 vols. 23 cm.
* vol.1: 552 p.; vol.2: 581 p.
Vol.1: Genealogical tables. Preface. 1.The Stanleys of Alderley. 2.The Russells. 3.Kate Stanley's childhood and youth. 4.Amberley's early boyhood. 5.Harrow. 6.Edinburgh, Cambridge, and travels. 7.Courtship. 8.Marriege to end of 1865. 8.1866. Index.
Vol.2: 10.Parliament and America, 1867 and 1868. 11.The South Devon election. 12.1869. 13.1870. 14.1871. 15.Can war be avolished? 16.Family controversies. 17.Death of Kate, Rachel, and Amberley. Index.

2.New York; Norton, 1937. 2 vols.

3.Toronto; Longmans, 1937.

4.Under the title:The Amberley Papers; B. Russell's Family Background.
London; Allen & Unwin, 1966. 2 vols.
* Reprint of the 1937 ed.

5.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1966. 2 vols.
* Reprint of the 1937 ed.

Power; a New Social Analysis.

1.London; Allen & Unwin, Oct. 1938. 328 p. 19 cm.
1.The impulse to power. 2.Leaders and followers. 3.The forms of power. 4.Priestly power. 5.Kingly power. 6.Naked power. 7.Revolutionary power. 8.Economic power. 9.Power over opinion. 10.Greeds as sources of power. 11.The biology of organizations. 12.Powers and forms of governments. 13.Organizations and the individual. 14.Competition. 15.Power and moral codes. 16.Power philosophies. 17.The ethics of power. 18.The taming of power. Index.

2.New York; Norton, 1938. 315 p. 23 c.

3.London; Basis Books, 1940. 328 p. 19 cm.
* By Arrangement with Allen & Unwin.

4.London; Allen & Unwin, 1960. 206 p. 19 cm. (Unwin books, 7)

5.New York; Barnes & Noble, 1962. 206 p.

6.First pub. in Unwin Paperbacks, 1975. 207 p. 20 cm.
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