一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項 | 一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項 |
16(1921) The Analysis of Mind. 1. London; Allen & Unwin, June 1921. 310 p. 23 cm. (Muirhead Library of Philosophy) [Contents] Preface(Jan. 1921). 1.Recent criticisms of "consciousness". 2.Instinct and habit. 3.Desire and feeling. 4.Influence of past history on present occurrences in living organisms. 5.Psychological and physical causal laws. 6.Introspection. 7.The definition of perception. 8.Sensations and images. 9.Memory. 10.Words and meaning. 11.General ideas and thought. 12.Belief. 13.Truth and falsehood. 14.Emotions and will. 15.Characterristics of mental phenomena. Index. * "The work has been given in the form of lectures both in London and Peking, and one lecture, that on desire, has been published in the Athenaeum(From: Preface by Russell) ![]() 2. New York; Macmillan, 1921, 310 p. 23 cm. ![]() 3. New York; Humanities Press, 1968. 310 p. 23 cm. 4. London; Allen & Unwin, 1989. (Unwin Paperbacks) 318 pp. 5. Mineola, New York; Dover Publications, 2005. (Dover Philosophical Classics) * An unabridged republication of the work originally published in 1921 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London and the Macmilan Company, New York. 17(1922) The Problem of China. 1. London; Allen & Unwin, Sept. 1922. 260 p. 20 cm. [Contents] 1.Questions. 2.China before the nineteench century. 3.China and the Western powers. 4.Modern China. 5.Japan before the restoration. 6.Modern Japan. 7.Japan and China before 1914. 8.Japan and China during the war. 9.The Washington Conference. 10.Present forces and tendencies in the Far East. 11.Chinese and Western civilization contrasted. 12.The Chinese character. 13.Higher education in China. 14.Industrialism in China. 15.The outlook for China. Appendix(June 21, 1922) Index. ![]() 2. New York; Century, 1922, 276 p. 20 cm. ![]() 3. 1966 issue. (Reprint of the first impression) 260 pp. * Russell added a foreword dated 9 Nov. 1965. |
18(1923) The Prospects of Industrial Civilization, in collaboration with Dora Russell. 1st ed. 1. London; Allen & Unwin, 1923. 283 pp. 19 cm. [Contents] Preface(May 10, 1923) (Part I) 1.Causes of Present Chaos. 2.Inherent Tendencies of Industrialism. 3.Irdustrialism and Private Property. 4.Interactions of Industrialism and Nationalism. 5.The Transition to Internationalsim. 6.Socialism in Undeveloped Countries. 7.Soclalism in Advanced Countries. (Part II) 8.What Makes a Social System Good or Bad? 9.Moral Standards and Social Well-Being. 10.The Sources of Power. 11.The Distribution of Power. 12.Education. 13.Economic Organization and Mental Freedom. INDEX ![]() 2. New York & London; Century, 1923. 283pp. 19 cm. ![]() 1959 ed. 3. London; Allen & Unwin, 1959. 283 pp. 20 cm. * 1959 ed. contains a new preface by B. Russell.(松下注:D. R と書かれているが、B. R. の誤植と思われる。) ![]() 19(1923) The ABC of Atoms. 1st ed. 1. London; Kegan Paul, 1923. 175 p. 20 cm. [Contents] 1.Introductory. 2.The periodic law. 3.Electronics and nuclei. 4.The hydrogen spectrum. 5.Possible states of the hydrogen atom. 6.The theory of quanta. 7.Refinements of the hydrogen spectrum. 8.Rings on electrons. 9.X-rays. 10.Radio-activity. 11.The structure of nuclei. 12.The new physics and the wave-theory of light. 13.The new physics and relativity. Appendix: Bohr's theory of th hydrogen spectrum. ![]() 2. New York; E. P. Dutton, 1923. 162 p. 20 cm. ![]() Revised ed. 1. London; Kegan Paul, 1924? 176 p. 20 cm. 2. London; E. P. Dutton, 1924? 176 p. 20 cm. |