
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]



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一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項 一連番号(出版年)/書誌事項
Mysticism and Logic, and Other Essays.

1.London, New York, Bombay, and Madras; Longmans, Green and Co., Jan. 1918. vii,234 p. 23 cm.
Preface(Sept. 1917). 1.Mysticism and Logic. 2.The place of science in a liberal education. 3.A free man's worship. 4.The study of mathematics. 5.Mathematics and the metaphysicians. 6.On scientific mechod in philosophy. 7.The ultimate constituents of matter. 8.The relation of sense-data to physics. 9.On the notion of cause. 10.Knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description. Index.
* From K. Blackwell's Bib.: Copies were available in Dec. 1917, and in later impressions Dec. 1917 was given as the date of the first edition.
* Unwin Books版の標題紙の裏には、 First pub. as 'Philosophical Essays' in Oct. 1910 と書かれているがこれは出版社の誤記。なぜなら Philosophical Essays と Mysticism and Logic で重複しているのは、A free man's worship と The study of Mathematics の2本のみ。 RC/国会/都中央/東大総、哲、倫理/一橋/筑波/京大図、西哲、法、教養/阪大/早/慶

2.New York; Norton, 1929. 234 p. 21 cm.
* 1st American ed., with a new preface (Aug. 1929)

3.London, Allen & Unwin, Feb. 1932. 234 p. 19 cm.

4.New York; Barnes & Noble, 1951? 234 p.

5.Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Penguin Books, 1953. 220 p. 19 cm. (Pelican Books, A270)

6.Garden City, N. Y.; Doubleday, 1957. 226 p. 18 cm. (Doubleday Anchor Books, A104)
* paperbound

7.London; Allen & Unwin, 1963. 167 p. 19 cm. (Unwin Books, 45)
* paperbound

Roads to Freedom; Socialism, Anarchism, and Syndicalism.

1st ed.
1.London; Allen & Unwin, Dec. 1918. 215 p. 22 cm.
Prefatory note(Apr. 1918). Introduction. Pt.1: Historical. 1.Marx and the socialist doctrine. 2.Bakunin and anarchism. 3.The syndicalist revolt. Pt.2: Problems of the future. 4.Work and pay. 5.Govenment and law. 6.International relations. 7.Science and art under socialism. 8.The world as it could be made. Index.

2.London; Allen & Unwin, July 1919. 215 p. 22 cm.
* Contains new preface written in Jan. 1919 by B. Russell

3.1st American ed (American ed. has title: Proposed Roads to Freedom.)
New York; Holt, 1919. xviii,218 pp. 20 cm.

4.New York; Blue Ribbon Books, 1931? xviii,218 p. 22 cm.

1949 expanded ed.
5.London; Allen & Unwin, 1949. 215 pp. 19 cm.
* Contains a new preface written in June 1948 by B. Russell.

2nd Brisith ed.
6.London; Allen & Unwin, 1966. 143 pp. 19 cm. (Unwin Books, 62)
3.New York; Barnes & Nobles, 1966. 143 p. 19 cm.

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy.

1st ed.
1.London; Allen & Unwin, Mar. 1919. viii,208 p. 22 cm. (Muirhead Library of Philosophy)
* From K. Blackwell's bib.: Russell delivered a series of lectures on this topic in London, 30 Oct. - 18 Dec. 1917
Preface. Editor's note. 1.The series of natural numbers. 2.Definition of number. 3.Finitude and mathematical induction. 4.The definition of order. 5.Kinds of relations. 6.Similarity of relations. 7.Rational, real, and complex numbers. 8.Infinite cardinal numbers. 9.Infinite series and ordinals. 10.Limits and continuity. 11.Limit and continuity of functions. 12.Selections and the multicative axiom. 13.The axiom of infinity and logical types. 14.Incompability and the theory of deduction. 15.Propositional functions. 16.Descriptions. 17.Classes. 18.Mathematics and logic. Index.

2.New York; Macmillan, 1919. 208 p. 23 cm.

3.New York; Humanities Press, --.

4.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1971. vii,208 p. (Clarion Books)

The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism.

1st ed.
1.London; Allen & Unwin, Nov. 1920. 188 p. 19 cm.
Preface(Sept. 1920) Pt.1: The present conditon of Russia. 1.What is hoped from Bolshevism. 2.General characteristics. 3.Lenin, Trotsky and Gorky. 4.Art and education. 5.Communisim and the Soviet constitution. 6.The failure of Russian industry. 7.Daily life in Moscow. 8.Town and country. 9.International policy. Pt.2: Bolshevik theory. 1.The materialistic theory of history. 2.Deciding froces in politics. 3.Bolshevik criticism of democracy. 4.Revolution and dictatorship. 5.Mechanism and the individual. 6.Why Russian communism has failed. 7.Conditions for the success of communism. (no index)
* 第2刷には、Errata(正誤表)がつけられている

2.American editoin has title: Bolshevism; Practice and Theory.
New York; Harcourt, Brace & Howe, 1920. 192 p. 20 cm.

3.New York; Arno, 1972. 192 p. 23 cm.
* Reprint of 'Bolshevism; Practice and Theory'

2nd ed.(Eliminates chapter 4 of part 1 written by Dora Black.)
1.London; Allen & Unwin, Nov. 1949. 130 p. 19 cm.
* 'Although this book was written in 1920,it is being reprinted without change, except in two respects. On the one hand, I have omitted a chapter of which I was not the author; on the other hand, I have found it necessary, in order to confrom to modern usage, to alter the word 'communism' to 'socialism' in many places...'(From: Prefatory note to 2nd ed., Oct. 1948.)

2.London; Allen & Unwin, 96 p. 19 cm. (Unwin Books, 31)

3.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1964. 125 p. 19 cm.
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