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バートランド・ラッセル「公益と私益」 (松下彰良 訳)

* 1975年に初めて出版/執筆は1933年頃?
* 原著:Public and private interests, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.


* 改訳しました。(2011.2.25)

 最近企業では「コンプライアンス(Compliance)」の重要性がさかんにいわれるようになりました。「雪印乳業」「三菱ふそう(+三菱自動車)」等,企業倫理を軽く見た企業は企業存立の危機にさえ陥ることはめずらしいことではなくなりました。しかし「コンプライアンス」の重要性が企業一般に認識されるようになったのはつい最近のことであり,ラッセルが今回のエッセイを書いた70年前は,法律にふれなければ(あるいは法律にふれてもばれなければ)利益のためには何をやってもかまわないという企業が少なくありませんでした。ラッセルが言うように,「私企業が今後も存続すべきであるならば,私企業の活動を公共の利益にかなう範囲で行わせるよう可能なかぎり,法的強制力を発揮させることは是非必要」です。ただし,ここで「公共の利益」というのは,日本の利益,いわ ゆる「国益」ではなく,できるだけ広い範囲の(関係する人すべてにとっての)利益(最大では「地球益」)であるべきであるのは,言うまでもありません。政治の分野では最近は「国益」を強調する人が増えてきましたが,「地球益」より「国益」を上位に置く考え方は視野も心も狭いといわざるを得ません。Think globaly, act locally. 欧米中心のグローバリズムではなく,本当の意味での世界市民主義(Cosmopolitanism)が根付いてほしいものです。(2004.05.05)

In the days when political economy was still young and aggressive, economists taught that there is an essential harmony between public and private interests. 'Consider Mr Zedekiah Stubbins,' they would say. 'He has, as you know, acquired a considerable fortune by cotton spinning' (it was always cotton-spinning in those days) 'and in so doing has been actuated, doubtless, by purely self-regarding motives. But his fortune was due to the cheapness of his product, which benefited all the multitudinous consumers throughout the world. And by the wages paid in his factory he saved from starvation large numbers of men, women, and children, some of the latter still of tender age. Nor did the beneficent effect of his activities cease there; by increasing the demand for cotton goods through greater cheapness, he enriched the cotton planter, and enabled him to be more munificent towards the coloured population dependent on his bounty. All these admirable results have flowed from Mr Stubbins minding his own business.'

Economists were driven to abandon this high ground by the indignation of the general public. It became known that Mr Stubbins made little children work fifteen hours a day, that they had to be beaten with iron rods to keep them awake at their work, and that nevertheless they sometimes fell asleep and were mangled by rolling into the machinery. And slavery on the cotton plantations was, in its way, as bad as wage-slavery in the factories. The law interfered, and Mr Stubbins was forced to be a little less theoretical in his philanthropy.

Nevertheless, the old theory of the harmony between public and private interests lingers on, and is appealed to by the industrial magnates whenever there is any suggestion that their predatory activities might, with advantage, be curtailed. On the . other hand, it must be confessed that those who do not think their activities wholly beneficent are too apt to think them wholly harmful, which is just as great an error.

If Mr Stubbins (to return to him) had made his fortune by improved machinery, by better organisation of the processes of production, by more thorough technical training of his more highly paid employees, he would have deserved what the economists said of him. But if he made his fortune by long hours and low wages, by torturing children, by protective tariffs which raised the price of his product and which he secured by political corruption, by robbing inventors of their patents, by lying advertisements, or by any of a hundred and one other tricks of the trade, then, and to that extent, he was not a public benefactor, and his private interest was in conflict with the interest of the general public. If private enterprise is to continue, it is essential that the law should, as far as possible, compel it to confine itself to those methods of making a profit which are advantageous to the public.

In these days, however, this is difficult. The power of the great magnates, through political corruption, through threats of causing a panic, through influence on large sections of the press, is such that, while they may be defeated in a pitched battle at a time of political excitement, they cannot be kept in their place at ordinary times unless, as a result of a pitched battle, they have been shorn of most of their means of influencing opinion. Whether this is possible while they retain their property is a difficult question, as to which we shall know more when the present American experiment has run its course. It may be found necessary to go further than is at present contemplated, but as to that I should not venture on a prophecy.