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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 希望と恐怖 (1931年10月7日)(松下彰良・訳)

* 原著:Hope and Fear, by Bertrand Russell
Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975

* 改訳+HTML修正しました。(2010.08.03)



 我々の生活には,実際には変更不可能な要素と,幸か不幸か,変動を被りやすい要素がある。生活における変更不可能な要素は,われわれの心を動かさないが,変動する要素は希望と恐怖を生みだす。それゆえ,人間の感情生活の性格は,その人が住んでいる社会組織の影響を直接受けて決まる。人間の感情は確かなものよりも不確かなものに向けられるからである。 収入が変動しなければ,人間は金銭についてあまり考えないだろうし,社会的地位が変らなければ家柄を鼻にかける俗物などにならないだろうし,自国の偉大さが(他国から見ても)議論の余地がなければ,熱狂的な愛国者にならないであろう。
 別の価値体系(set of values)を取り上げてみよう。人間は,もし自分がどうしようもなく愚かと信ずるならば知的野心(訳注:中野氏は「知的向上心」としている。)を持たないであろうし,自分が美的センスを持ち合わせていないと知れば芸術の世界で名をあげようと思わないだろうし,自分がどうしようもなく平凡な人間だと自覚しているならば名声など追い求めないであろう。
 今日では,ある年に投機で巨額の金を手に入れても,翌年にはそれを失なうかもしれない。巨額の富を持っている間は立派な社会的地位を有するが,富を失えば社会的地位を失ってしまう。そのような極端な例をあげなくても,西欧世界では大多数の人が,現在(1931年)では2年前(1929年の世界大恐慌前)にくらべるとずっと貧乏になっている。逆に,景気の良い時期には,ほとんどの人はもっと豊かになる。(松下注:1929年10月24日,ニューヨーク株式市場で株価大暴落→世界大恐慌(Great Depression)に発展)

In the life of every man there are some elements that are practically inalterable while there are others which are subject to fluctuations, fortunate or unfortunate. The inalterable elements are taken for granted while those that fluctuate are matters for hope and fear. The character of a man's emotional life is therefore intimately dependent upon the social system under which he lives, since his emotions will be directed toward what is doubtful rather than toward what is certain. If a man's income is fixed, he will not think much about money; if his social position is inalterable, he will not be a snob; if he believes his country's greatness to be unassailable, he will not be a vehement nationalist.
To take another set of values : if a man believes himself incurably stupid, he will not have intellectual ambitions; if he knows that he has no aesthetic sense, he will not seek artistic distinction; if he is aware of being incurably commonplace, he will not live for fame.

In the modern world (outside Russia) income and social position are more fluctuating, on the average, than they have ever previously been. A man may make a million by speculation one year and lose it all in the following year. While he possesses his million he has a good social position; when he loses it, he has none. Without taking such an extreme case, most people, throughout the Western world, are considerably poorer now than they were two years ago; in good times, conversely, most people grow richer. The result of this uncertainty is that men are more preoccupied about money than they ever were. In former days, this preoccupation was confined to a small minority, whereas now it is almost universal. As a natural consequence of the economic uncertainty, men have come to be admired in proportion to their success in the scramble. Few stand aside, and those who do are not respected, since it is thought that they do so from timorousness, not because they value other things more than much money.

 The ideal of financial success is set before the young by most of the influences that form their minds. In the cinema they see representations of luxury, where plutocrats own marble halls and beautiful ladies in splendid dresses. The hero generally succeeds, in the end, in belonging to this successful class. Even artists come to be judged by the amount of money they make. Merit not measured in money comes to be despised. Every kind of sensitiveness, being a handicap in the struggle, is regarded as a stigma of failure.

 A hundred years ago the rich arrived at the possession of a certain amount of education and culture, without which they could not be respected. Nowadays education and culture are becoming more and more confined to teachers and professors, who are despised for being poor. The level of the rich in this respect has therefore very greatly deteriorated in recent times.

 It is unlikely that this loss to civilisation can be made good I without a change in our social system. But it is important that the loss should be realised, since its existence is one of the reasons for thinking our present world not wholly perfect. A world in which a man is unlikely to lose his financial standing and cannot easily improve it will be a world where other than monetary values will have weight. If, therefore, we wish to diminish the love of money which, we are told, is the root of all evil, the first step must be the creation of a system in which everyone has enough and no one has too much.