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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


バートランド・ラッセル「天才になる方法」(1932.12.28)」(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:How to become a man of genius, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975


* 改訳しました。(2011.3.5)


 天才になるためのこの秘訣には、新奇性はまったくない。これは、われわれの祖父の時代にカーライル(1785~1881:右欄上写真)(参考:夏目漱石「カーライル博物館」によって、我々の父親の時代にニーチェ(1844~1900)によって、そして現代の我々の時代にD.H.ロレンス(1885~1930)によって、実践されたやり方である。ロレンスは、彼の信奉者(崇拝者)によって、男女関係についての、あらゆる種類の新しい知恵を明確に述べたと考えられている。(しかし)事実は(その逆であり)、人が(石器時代の)穴居人と結びつけて連想する、あの男性支配の擁護(唱道)へと立ちもどったのである。彼の哲学では、女性は、労働からもどった英雄(勇士)を休息させるための、ある種の柔かく肥えたものとしてのみ存在する。文明社会は、それ以上の価値を女性に認めることを学んできたが、ロレンスは文明の価値をまったく認めないだろう。彼は、古くて正体不明のものを求めて世界を駈けめぐり、メキシコでアズテカ人の残虐性の痕跡を見て慈しむ。若者は、行動することを学び続けてきたので、当然のことながら、ロレンス(の作品、小説など)を歓喜とともに読み、この種の穴居人の真似を、上流社会の慣習が許す限り、実践する。(参考:柴田多賀治「D. H. ロレンスと B. ラッセル」)


 カーライルは言った、「イギリスの人口は二千万人、その大部分は馬鹿者」 この発言を読んだ(当時の)読者は皆、自分はその例外者の中の一人だと考え、それゆえその発言を面白がった。あなたは明確に定義されうる集団、たとえば年収いくら以上の人々とか、ある特定地域の住民とか、ある特定の教義の信奉者等々、を非難してはならない。なぜなら、そのようなことをしたら、一部の読者は必ずや、諸君の毒舌が自分に向けられていることを理解するだろう。あなたは情緒が萎縮した人々、視野が狭い人々、こつこつ勉強してはじめて真理を理解するタイプの人々を非難しなければならない。なぜなら、我々は皆、この種の人々が自分以外の人間だと理解しているからであり、それゆえあなたが現代の諸悪を強く非難することに共感するのである。

 事実と理性を無視し、あなた方自身の幻想的で神話が生み出す情念の世界の中だけに生きなさい。全身全霊で確信をもってこれを実践しなさい。そうすれば、あなたは間違いなく時代の預言者の一人になれるだろう。(右イラスト出典: B. Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953



If there are among my readers any young men or women who aspire to become leaders of thought in their generation, I hope they will avoid certain errors into which I fell in youth for want of good advice.

When I wished to form an opinion upon a subject, I used to study it, weigh the arguments on different sides, and attempt to reach a balanced conclusion. I have since discovered that this is not the way to do things. A man of genius knows it all without the need of study; his opinions are pontifical and depend for their persuasiveness upon literary style rather than argument. It is necessary to be one-sided, since this facilitates the vehemence that is considered a proof of strength. It is essential to appeal to prejudices and passions of which men have begun to feel ashamed and to do this in the name of some new ineffable ethic. It is well to decry the slow and pettifogging minds which require evidence in order to reach conclusions. Above all, whatever is most ancient should be dished up as the very latest thing.

There is no novelty in this recipe for genius; it was practised by Carlyle in the time of our grandfathers, and by Nietzsche in the time of our fathers, and it has been practised in our own time by D. H. Lawrence. Lawrence is considered by his disciples to have enunciated all sorts of new wisdom about the relations of men and women; in actual fact he has gone back to advocating the domination of the male which one associates with the cave dwellers. Woman exists, in his philosophy, only as something soft and fat to rest the hero when he returns from his labours. Civilised societies have been learning to see something more than this in women; Lawrence will have nothing of civilisation. He scours the world for what is ancient and dark and loves the traces of Aztec cruelty in Mexico. Young men, who had been learning to behave, naturally read him with delight and go round practising cave-man stuff so far as the usages of polite society will permit.

One of the most important elements of success in becoming a man of genius is to learn the art of denunciation. You must always denounce in such a way that your reader thinks that it is the other fellow who is being denounced and not himself; in that case he will be impressed by your noble scorn, whereas if he thinks that it is himself that you are denouncing, he will consider that you are guilty of ill-bred peevishness. Carlyle remarked: 'The population of England is twenty millions, mostly fools.' Everybody who read this considered himself one of the exceptions, and therefore enjoyed the remark. You must not denounce well-defined classes, such as persons with more than a certain income, inhabitants of a certain area, or believers in some definite creed; for if you do this, some readers will know that your invective is directed against them. You must denounce persons whose emotions are atrophied, persons whose perceptions are limited, persons to whom only plodding study can reveal the truth, for we all know that these are other people, and we shall therefore view with sympathy your powerful diagnosis of the evils of the age.

Ignore fact and reason, live entirely in the world of your own fantastic and myth-producing passions; do this wholeheartedly and with conviction, and you will become one of the prophets of your age.
