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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* 原著:Should children be happy? by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.

* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2010.11.3)<
ラッセルは,教育についていろいろ発言しています。On Education (1926) は,75年経過した現在でも読み続けられている名著です。私が高校1年の時に最初に読んだラッセルの著作です。この本は,特に幼児教育についてラッセルの体験をもとにして書かれたものですので,かなり具体的かつ説得力のある記述となっています。
 1934年には,Education and the Social Order という本を出版しました。こちらは社会との関連で教育の諸問題を考えたもので,姉妹編とでもいうべきものです。こちらの方も興味深いものですが,邦訳は絶版のままであり(ただしアマゾンで古本として購入可能),文庫本に収められている『教育論』ほど読まれてはいません。(教育論』の邦訳は以前角川文庫に入っていましたが絶版です。現在は岩波文庫にあります。)大規模な大学や公共図書館で所蔵していますので,一読をおすすめします。(2001.05.29: 松下)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 子供を幸せにすることは難しくない。そのために必要なものは,愛情,良識,熱意(good spirits)のみである。しかし私は絶えず友人たちから -また彼らのなかのインテリ層からばかりでなく- 子供を幸福に育てると成人後の彼らの生活を不適切なものにしてしまう,と言われ続けてきた。彼らインテリは,この世は幸福をまったく体験しておらずそれゆえ幸福でないことを淋しく思わない人間しか耐えられないような恐ろしいところである,と言う。(他方)一般の市民は(も),自分が現在あるような人間になれたのは若い時の幸福のおかげではないと言う。即ち,自分が今日あるのは,厳しい規律,物不足の過酷な経験及び克苦勉励のおかげであると言う。
 私個人としては,大事業達成の処方箋が,彼らが言うように単純なものだとは信じられない。子供を不幸にすることは幸福にすることよりも容易であり,そのためのいろいろな方法がこれまでも何代もの世代の'教育専門家'によって完璧に行われてきた。しかしそれで全てうまく行くのであれば,天才は雨後のタケノコ(←黒いちご)のように生まれたはずである。また,ドゥーザボーイズ・ホール(注:Dotheboys Hall/ディゲンズの小説 Nicholas Nickleby にでてくる体罰が常習の寄宿学校)の卒業生たちが学問芸術の分野で世間をリードしているはずである。
 不幸な人間が,苦難を十分克服して偉大な業績を成し遂げた稀な事例においても,彼にとって'現実からの逃避'(の結果)であるという事実によって,その業績はある程度傷つきやすい。必ずと言えないまでも,大部分の事例において,この逃避的特質はこれらの業績にたくましさや健全さを欠けさせることになる。さらに,偉大な業績は,有益であると同程度に有害である場合が多い。恐らく,アッティラ(訳注:Attila, 406年?- 453年 フン族の王。大帝国を築き上げ,キリスト教の信者からは「神の災い」と恐れられた。)の子供時代はきわめて不幸であったと思われるが,歴史は不幸にもこの点について沈黙している。明らかにナポレオンが若い時に貧困のため屈辱を受けていなければ,あれほど俗物的にも,好戦的にもならなかったと思われる。ナポレオンが'豚の幸福'に満足するように導かれていたら,人類にとって幸いだったであろう。多くの偉人の理論と実践(実践と理論)に見られる残酷な要素は,彼らの生涯(経歴)が,彼には自覚されないが,若い時になめた不幸に対する'世間への復讐'に他ならぬという事実に,帰することができる。
To make children happy is not difficult. It requires only affection, common sense, and good spirits. But I am constantly told by my friends - and not only by the highbrows among them -that those who make children happy unfit them for later life. The highbrow tells me that the world is a horrible place which can only be endured by those who have never experienced happiness and therefore do not miss it. The ordinary citizen tells me that it was not by means of happiness in his early years that he was made into the man he is. No, sir, it was by stern discipline, by the austere experience of going without, by toil and hardship and severity.
The man who says this is speaking the truth ; it was no doubt by such methods that he was made into the man he is. Whether this is altogether a recommendation of the methods is, however, perhaps less certain than he thinks. Ever since the bickerings of Cain and Abel, parents have wondered what the young were coming to. Adam no doubt made a virtue of the fact that he had never killed his brother and pointed out that in his youth he was not allowed so much as one bite of an apple without getting into trouble. Such talk is mere conservatism and has too little substance to be dealt with by serious argument.
The highbrow who maintains the same position is no doubt dominated by the same motives at bottom but conceals them , behind a more imposing verbal facade. He will allege that all great achievement has been the outcome of some kind of misery, and he will point out that people like the Samoans, who are said to be happy in childhood and even in adolescence, have never contributed anything to civilisation. If we were all happy, he tells us, we should rapidly sink into the condition of pigs, who, in his opinion, enjoy much more happiness than falls to the lot of intelligent people.
 For my part, I cannot believe that the recipe for great achievement is as simple as all that. To make children unhappy is even easier than to make them happy, and the methods have been carried to great perfection by many generations of educational experts. If that were all, geniuses ought to be as common as blackberries. The alumni of Dotheboys Hall ought to have led the world in science and art.
In those rare cases where an unhappy person overcomes his misery sufficiently to produce great work, it is likely to be in some degree tainted by the fact that it is for him an escape from reality. Not invariably, but in a large proportion of cases, this quality of escape will cause a man's work to be lacking in robustness and sanity. Moreover, remarkable achievement is just as often harmful as beneficial. I dare say that Attila had a very unhappy childhood, though on this point history is unfortunately silent. Certainly Napoleon would have been neither so snobbish nor so bellicose if he had not in his youth suffered humiliation through poverty. If Napoleon could have been induced to be satisfied with the happiness of the pig, it would have been well for mankind. The element of cruelty in both the practice and the theory of many great men is attributable to the fact that their career, unconsciously to themselves, is their revenge upon the world for what it made them suffer in youth.
There is only one kind of unhappiness that is really fruitful, and that is the kind which springs from good things imagined but not realised. This form of unhappiness is inseparable from the creative impulse, but the creative impulse itself is only hampered and weakened by personal troubles. Such at least is my belief. The belief may perhaps be mistaken, but it cannot be proved to be so, and there is therefore no reason to curb our kindlier impulses.