
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 r018 - rebel

★ rebel [(v) (政府・権力・慣習などに)反抗する,反逆する;反感を表す || (n) 反逆者,反攻者]

* rebellion (n): 反乱,暴動
* rebellious (adj.):反抗的な;反逆心のある
* 森一郎『<改訂新版>試験に出る英単語』p.162 説明:re = against , bel = war → 「~に逆らって戦争を起こす」


But from a very early age there comes to be a conflict between love of parental power and desire for the child's good, for, while power over the child is to a certain extent decreed by the nature of things, it is nevertheless desirable that the child should as soon as possible learn to be independent in as many ways as possible, which is unpleasant to the power impulse in a parent. Some parents never become conscious of this conflict, and remain tyrants until the children are in a position to rebel.
* decree (n;v): 法令として布告する;(天・運命が)定める,決定する

From the point of view of psychology and physiology, fear and rage are closely analogous emotions; the man who feels rage is not possessed of the highest kind of courage. The cruelty invariably displayed in suppressing Negro insurrections, communist rebellions and other threats to aristocracy, is an offshoot of cowardice, and deserves the same contempt as it bestowed upon the more obvious forms of that vice.



The people have rebelled against their foreign rulers.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

Most teenagers find something to rebell against.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]