
バートランド・ラッセル英単語・熟語 h026 - harsh

★ harsh (adj.):【(音・色など)耳(目)ざわりな;不快な;厳しい;残酷な】

* harshly (adv.):厳しく、無情に


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I wrote a book, On Education, Especially in Early Childhood, which was published in 1926 and had a very large sale. It seems to me now somewhat unduly optimistic in its psychology, but as regards values I find nothing in it to recant, although I think now that the methods I proposed with very young children were unduly harsh.
* recant (v):取り消す,撤回する
[私は,『教育について--特に幼少時における』という本を書き,1926年に出版され,かなりの売れ行きを示した。『教育論』について今考えれば,その本の基礎に置いた心理学はいくらか楽観的過ぎたように思われる。しかし,私が提案した方法は -ごく幼い子供たちをとり扱うのには,不当に厳しすぎたように今では考えるが- 価値基準(何に価値を置くか)については,自説を撤回すべき点はないと考える。

This is a strange world into which I have come, a world of dying beauty and harsh life. I am troubled at every moment by fundamental questions, the terrible insoluble questions that wise men never ask.

Some of these precepts may seem harsh, but experience shows that they make for the child's health and happiness.
* precept (n):教訓


Sometimes people hurt their friends with harsh words.

Stress is a harsh reality of life that must be dealt with.
( [ストレスとは、取り組まなければならない,人生の厳しい現実である。
 出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.195]

The minister received some harsh criticism. / He regretted his harsh words.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]