
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 g022 - geology

★ geology (n) [地質学(the ~)(ある地域の)地質]

* geological (adj.):地質学(上)の,地質の
* geologist (n):地質学者


あるいは アマゾンで購入
But science, also, can stimulate the imagination. When I was a boy, astronomy and geology did more, for me in this respect than the literatures of England, France and Germany, many of whose masterpieces I read under compulsion, without the faintest interest.
* literature は辞書では uncountable と記載されている。ラッセルは各国の文学(諸文学)ということで literatures と複数形にしているが・・・?

Think of the different things that may be noticed in the course of a country walk. One man may be interested in the birds, another in the vegetation, another in the geology, yet another in the agriculture, and so on.

Formerly, the cruelty, the meanness, the dusty fretful passion of human life seemed to me a little thing, set, like some resolved discord in music, amid the splendour of the stars and the stately procession of geological ages. What if the universe was to end in universal death? It was none the less unruffled and magnificent.
* fretful (adj):いらいらする;怒りっぽい
* stately (adj.):威厳のある;堂々とした
* unruffled (adj.):騒ぎ立てない;平穏な;しわのない



His father, a well-educated man, was a professor of geology at a university.

He was a visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan. / With geological maps, books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals.
[ 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Lerners, 3rd ed.]