
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 g017 - get on

★ get on [ (仕事などが)進む,はかどる;暮らす;~に乗る]

* 森一郎『試験にでる英熟語』p.184 説明:cf. get on in life = get on in the world 「出世する, get on (along) with 「~と仲良くやっていく」, get off 「降りる」


あるいは アマゾンで購入
It was clear to me that I could not get on without solving the contradictions, and I was determined that no difficulty should turn me aside from the completion of Principia Mathematica, but it seemed quite likely that the whole of the rest of my life might be consumed in looking at that blank sheet of paper.

It seemed to me that the CND would get on better if it had officers who saw, at least broadly, eye to eye than it would do under the leadership of those who patently did not trust each other.
* patently (adv.):明らかに
[CND(Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 核兵器撤廃運動組織)は,相互に明らかに信頼しあっていない役員の指導の下でよりも,大雑把にいって意見が一致している役員で構成されているほうがずっとうまくいくだろう,と私には思われた。

When he is convalescent but still weak, she informs him that she will soon have to leave him but that she cannot imagine how he will get on without her to look after him. He cannot imagine it either; so he marries her, and she lives happily ever after.
* convalescent (adj.):回復期の;回復期患者の


How is your son getting on?
[息子さんはおかわりなくやっていますか?(← 息子さんはどのようにお暮らしですか?)

How is your work getting on? / How will we get on without you?
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

We can get on perfectly well without her.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]