
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e060 - expose

★ expose (v)【(光・危険などに)さらす;(思想などに)触れさせる;暴露する】

* 『英単語の語源図鑑』p.207説明:ex(外へ) + pedi(足)→ 「足かせを外した」 * ex-(外へ)+ pose(置く)→「外へ置く」
* expose A to B 「AをBにさらす」
* exposure (n):さらすこと,露出;暴露
* exposure meter (写真)露光計


あるいは アマゾンで購入
No doubt past experience determined which of the two words any given hearer heard. Those who had been much exposed to America heard "phony," while those who had led more sheltered lives heard "funny."
[その二つの単語のうちどちらに聞こえたかは、聞いた人の過去の経験が決めたのである。アメリカに触れることの多い人(注:phony は米語)は、「いんちきな phony」と聞こえ、もっと閉鎖的な生活をしている人は「滑穏な funny」と聞こえた(のであろう)。]

Undoubtedly patriotism, so-called, is the gravest danger to which civilization is at present exposed, and anything that increases its virulence is more to be dreaded than plague, pestilence, and famine.

I am sure that eminent plutocrats who are self-made have quite forgotten the tricks and twists of their early days. Public exposure of crimes committed long ago, when it occurs, probably causes genuine surprise to the criminal.


People are now exposed to more acid rain ever than before.

Holes in the ozone layer will expose life on Earth to dangerous levels of radiation.
 出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.11

You should not expose newborn babies to strong sunlight.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.38

After only a short exposure to sunlight he began to turn red.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.