
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e054 - expedition

★ expedition (n)【遠征;(探検など一定の目的をもつ)旅行;遠征隊,探検隊;急速,迅速】

* ex = out, ped = foot → 「足で歩いて外に出かけること」(pedal と同語源)
* expedite (vt):・・・を迅速化する、捗らせる
* expedient (adj.):(自己の目的に)好都合な;便宜主義の | (n) (とりあえずある目的のためにとる)便法,(臨機の)処置 【a temporary expedient 間に合わせの策,一時しのぎの便法】
* expeditious (adj.):迅速な
* expedience (n):好都合;便宜主義
* an Antarctic expedition 南極探検隊


あるいは アマゾンで購入
The eclipse expedition which confirmed Einstein's prediction as to the bending of light occurred during this time, and Littlewood got a telegram from Eddington telling him that the result was what Einstein said it should be.

Our first long expedition was to Fontainebleau when the only reminder of public squabbles was owing to Mussadeq's attempt to secure a monopoly of Persian oil.

It was an altogether satisfactory expedition, but for some reason that I have now forgotten had to be cut short.

Most histories leave the battlefield as soon as the battle is over; by the simple expedient of lingering on it for another twelve hours a completely different picture of war is produced.
* histories:(ここでは)歴史書
 出典:ラッセル『教育論』第二部 性格の教育_第11章「愛情と同情


Marco Polo joined them on a second Asian expedition.

As she had forgotten her keys, she got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through a window.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.