
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e014 - enchant

★ enchant (v) [魅する;うっとりさせる,心を奪う;魔法をかける]

* enchantment (n): 魔法をかけること;魔法にかかっていること;大喜び;うっとりさせるもの
* enchanting (adj.): 魅惑的な,うっとりさせる
* 森一朗『試験に出る英単語』p.150説明: en = in , chant = sing , 「歌をうたってひきこむ」(フランス語のシャンソン chanson と姉妹語)


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Delphi left me quite unmoved, but Epidaurus was gentle and lovely. Oddly enough its peace was not broken by a busload of Germans who arrived there shortly after us. Suddenly, as we were sitting up in the theatre dreaming, a beautiful clear voice soared up and over us. One of the Germans was an operatic Diva and, as we were, was enchanted by the magic of the place.

To celebrate my eighty-seventh birthday, we drove down through Bath and Wells and Glastonbury to Dorset. We visited the swannery and gardens at Abbotsbury where, by chance, we witnessed a peacock's nuptial dance, precisely articulated, one of the most enchanting and beautiful ballets that I have ever seen.
[私の87回目の誕生日を祝って,私たち夫婦は,バース(Bath)とウェルズ(Wels)とグラストンベリー(Glastonbury)を通って,ドーセットまでドライブした。私たちはアボッツベリー(注:Abbotsbury ウェイマスの北西10㎞にある海辺の村)の白鳥飼育所やいくつかの庭園を訪れた。そこで私たちは,偶然,孔雀の婚礼のダンス(→ 求愛ダンス?)を目撃した。孔雀は羽を精確に操り,私がそれまでに見たなかで最も魅惑的で美しい踊りであった。


He was enchanted by/with the idea / The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

He was enchanted to see her again after so long.
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]