
バートランド・ラッセル英単語・熟語 d096 - diverge

★ diverge (v) 【分岐する、逸脱する;(意見など)わかれる;(数学)発散する】

* divergence (n) 【分岐;逸脱;(意見などの)相違;(数学)発散】
* divergent (adj.):分岐する;(意見などが)異なる


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But soon some monks, tempted by the abundant supply, diverged from their old austerity, and persuaded the abbot to avail himself of the stream for the construction of the bath. .

If the matter were to be scientifically determined, it would be necessary to take thousands of pairs of identical twins, separate them at birth, and educate them in ways as widely divergent as possible.
[この問題を科学的に決定しようとするならば,何千組もの一卵性双生児(identical twins)を選び,生まれたときから別々にして,可能なかぎり異なる方法(多様な方法で)で幅広いやり方で教育することが必要であろう。]

Before we can adequately examine their opinion, we must, therefore, decide what it is that we should wish education to accomplish if possible: on this question there are as many divergent views as there are conceptions of human welfare.


the vast divergence between the two races / a divergence of opinion
 出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.104

This is where our opinions diverge (from each other).
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

We went through school and college together, but then our paths diverged.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.