
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d37 - detach

★ detach【(v) 引き離す,取り外す】

* detachment (n):分離;孤立;超然としていること,公平;分遣隊
* detached (adj.):分離した,孤立した;(人/意見など)とらわれない,公平な;超然とした


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Human beings differ profoundly in regard to the tendency to regard their lives as a whole: To some men it is natural to do so, and essential to happiness to be able to do so with some satisfaction. To others life is a series of detached incidents without directed movement and without unity.

We discussed all manner of things, no doubt with a certain immaturity, but with a detachment and interest scarcely possible in later life.

He was a neutral, and in any case he had not enough respect for the human race to care whether it destroyed itself or not. His calm, philosophical detachment, though I had no wish to imitate it, was soothing to me.
[彼(注:サンタヤーナ)は(大戦に対し)中立主義者であり,人類が自滅するか否か心配するほど,人類に対して尊敬の念を抱いていなかった。彼の穏やかな,哲学上の超俗(超越)は --それを真似ようという気は私には全然なかったが--, 私の心を和らげてくれた。


By reading great stories of the past, we are able to detach ourselves from the problems of modern life for a while.

The general detached a small force to go and guard the palace.
[ (出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

Detach the coupon and return it as soon as possible. / She wanted him to stop being so cool, so detached, so cynical.
[ (出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]