
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c150 - circulate

★ circulate 【(vi)(血液などが)循環する;(うわさなどを)広める;(~を)配布する | (vt) 循環させる;流通させる;広がる】

* 『鉄壁東大英単語熟語』p.457説明: circle(円)と同じ語源:「円を描いて回る」→「循環する」
* circulation (n):循環;流通;発行部数
* blood circulation :血液循環
* circulation (adj.):循環する,巡回する【 a circulating decimal 循環小数】
* circular (adj.):円形の,循環的な


Webb, our coach, had a practice of circulating MSS among his classes, and it fell to my lot to deliver a MS to Sanger after I had done with it.

He placed them on a circular disc which their leader did not know to be circular. They marched round and round until they dropped dead of fatigue. Modern statesmen and their admirers are guilty of equal and very similar folly.


A rumor is circulating that a corpse is burried in the marsh.
 出典:『究極の英単語 SVL vol.3 上級篇3000』p.12

The function of the heart is to circulate blood throughout the body. / The newspaper has a large circulation.
 出典:『東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.457]

A rumor started to circulate about the president's private life.
 出典:『キクタン super 12000』p.63

The magazine is circulated free of charge.
 出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 990』p.93

A lot of false information has been circulated.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

Rumours were already beginning to circulate that the project might have to be abandoned.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictonary for Advanced Learners, new ed.