
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c123 - candid

★ candid (adj.) [率直な,遠慮のない,包み隠しのない;(写真などで)ポーズをとらない]

* to be candid ざっくばらんに言えば
* a candid photo ポーズをとらない写真


One generation of fearless women could transform the world, by bringing into it a generation of fearless children, not contorted into unnatural shapes, but straight and candid, generous, affectionate and free.
 出典:ラッセル『教育論-特に幼少期における』第一部 教育の理想_第2章「教育の目的

We wish our children to be upright, candid, frank, self-respecting; for my part, I would rather see them fail with these qualities than succeed by the arts of the slave.

But in fact, if you question any candid person who is no longer young, he is very likely to tell you that, having tasted life in this world, he has no wish to begin again as a 'new boy' in another.
[しかし,実際,もはや若くない正直な人に質問すれば,誰もが,たいてい次のように答えそうである。(即ち,これまで)この世の生活を味わってきたたので,あの世で再び「新人(new boy)」として,生活を始めようとは思わない,と。]


At times the Japanese can be candid and blunt.
 出典:『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.223]

You must be more candid if you want people to believe you.
 出典:『キクタン super 12000』p.317

a candid photograph is one that is taken without the person in it knowing that they are being photographed.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.