Bertrand Russell Quotes
When however we pass from politics to economics and culture, the picture is rather different. The economic divisions of the world are less than the political divisions. Until the World Wars, economic divisions had been growing steadily less, commercial relations were world-wide, and the interchange of raw materials, food, and industrial products was less and less affected by political frontiers. Commerce had always been a civilizing influence from the time of the Ionian Cities of Asia Minor in the sixth century b.c., until almost our own day.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.2: Byronic unhappiness.
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President Trump, with his slogan "MAGA" (Make America Great Again), is advancing policies that aim to maximize America's interests through "power," backed by the country's economic and military strength. However, history shows that such "dominance by force" is doomed to fail eventually. The common historical view is that the world has developed through "coexistence and mutual prosperity" in various aspects. However, for Trump, what matters is not such a long-term perspective, but rather a short-term one. In simple terms, what seems to matter most to him is how much he can bring benefits to America through "deals."
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