Let the People Think; a selection of essays by B. Russell - contents
*Source: Let the People Think; a selection of essays by B. Russell (Watts and Co., 1941. 116 pp. Thinkers Library Ser.)* Watts & Co. から1941年に出版された Let the People Think に収録された下記の10本のエッセイは、1958年に New York の Philosophical Library からだされた The Will to Doubt に、順番こそ異なるが、そのまま収録されている。Philosophical Library が、版権を買い取ったのであろうか?
Can Men be Rational?
Free Thought and Official Propaganda
Is Science Superstitious?
Stoicism and Mental Health
The Ancestry of Fascism
'Useless' Knowledge
On Youthful Cynicism
Modern Homogeneity
Men Versus Insects
What is the Soul?
On Comets
* This edition published in 2003 by Spokesman Books
* Spokesman, Russell House, Bulwell Lane, Nottingham NG6 0BT (https://www.spokesmanbooks.com)