Essays on Bertrand Russell, ed. by E. D. Klemke: Contents
* Source: >Essays on Bertrand Russell, ed. by E. D. Klemke (Urbana, Chicago & London; Univ. of Illinois Press, 1970. xi,458 p. 21 cm.)* Originally pub. in a clothbound ed. in 1970/ Illini Books ed. in 1971.
Pt. I: Russell's ontology
1. Russell's ontological development (by W. V. Quine)
2. Russell on particulars(by Gustav Bergmann)
3. The revolt against logical atomism(by Gustav Bergmann)
4. Things and descriptions(by Herbert Hochberg)
5. Russell's theory of relations(by William J. Winslade)
6. The philosophy of logical atomism; a realism manque(by Henry Veatch)
7. Ontology and the theory of descriptions(by M. S. Gram)
Part II: Theories of reference and descriptions
8. On referring(by P. F. Strawson)
9. Presupposing(by Wilfrid Sellars)
10.A reply to Mr. Sellars(by P. F. Strawson)
11.Descriptions, scope and identity(by Herbert Hochberg)
12.Russell on meaning and denoting(by P. T. Geach)
13.Strawson on referring(by C. E. Caton)
14.Reference and referents(by Leonard Linsk)
15.Identifying reference and truth-values(by P. F. Strawson)
16.Russell's discussion of meaning and denotation; a re-examination(by Chrystine E. Cassin)
17.Russell's distinction between the primary and secondary ocurrence of definite descriptions(by Chrystine E. Cassin)
18.Russell and Strawson on referring(by Arthur Jacobson)
19.Strawson, Russell, and the King of France(by Herbert Hochberg)
Part III: Philosophy of logic and mathematics
![]() Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 |
21.Predicative functions and the axiom of reducibility(by F. P. Ramsey)
22.Peano, Russell, and logicism(by Herbert Hochberg)
23.Russell's theory of types(W. V. Quine)
24.On logicism(by John L. Pollock)
25.Russell's ruduction of arithmetic to logic(by Herbert Hochberg)
26.Logic and ontology in Russell's philosophy(by E. D. Klemke)