アラン・ウッド(著),碧海純一(訳)『バートランド・ラッセル-情熱の懐疑家』(みすず書房,1963年2月 382,viii p. 20cm)
* 原著:Bertrand Russell: the passionate sceptic, 1957, by Alan Wood.)* A. ウッド略歴
第1章「庭に立つ少年」冒頭 (碧海純一訳)
PHILOSOPHERS exist to ask questions, not to answer them. The more unsolved problems they have on their hands, the better they are doing their job; so the gibes at them by the practical men completely miss the point. Though philosophy can claim no great advances in knowledge compared with the sciences, the sciences might never have got started without philosophy first awakening wonder. When the scientists give answers, often it is only because philosophers have asked.
The philosophers speculated about atoms long before they were discovered; and they may have given the scientists the idea of what to look for. Philosophers questioned the common sense view of matter, and the scientists later agreed with them that matter is not what it seems. To the practical man a tree is a tree, and common sense is common sense, and life is a dull prosaic affair. But one day in the history of the human race, some pioneer first asked a philosophical question - perhaps a completely impractical and useless question - such as 'Does this tree continue to exist if there is nobody here to see it; and, if so, how can I know that it does?' On that day philosophy was born, and men became more than automatic animals. And the achievement of the first philosopher to ask this question is not lessened in the least by the fact that, from that day to this, no subsequent philosopher has yet found a satisfactory answer to it.
Other questions first considered by philosophy, having been answered, have become part of science or mathematics or physiology. Bertrand Russell once put it that 'Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know'. But the finest minds will still be attracted by the unsolved residue of problems which remain, because to see the universe through the eyes of a philosopher is the most exciting way to look at it. To the scientist it is a monotonous fact that the sun rises every morning. But the philosopher suddenly discovers the problem of induction, and asks 'How do I know that the sun will rise tomorrow?'; and he finds, with a new interest in life, that nobody can tell him. To be a philosopher is to leave the commonplace realm of dull certainties, and always to be aware of the magic and mystery of the universe and of existence. It is to keep alive throughout life the eager wonder of a child.