Bertrand Russell: 'education as the power of independent thought', by Chris Shute - contents
* Source: Bertrand Russell: 'education as the power of independent thought', by Chris Shute (Nottingham, Eng.; Educational Heretics Press, 2002. [8]+64+[8] pp.) * The author, Chris Shute has three successful books to his name - Compulsory Schooling Diseace, Alice Miller: THe Unkind Society, Parenting and Shooling, and Edmond Holmes and the Tragedy of Education. In his fourth book, he reviews the contribution of B. Russell to our understanding of education.Foreword by Roland Meighan
1. Bertrand Russell: an educator ahead of his time
2. Russell and children
3. Russell and schooling
4. Religion, c]ass and patriotism in education
5. The individual and society in Russell's thought
Appendix: Quotations List