Mortal and Others; Betrand Russell's American Essays v.2 - contents
* Source: Mortal and Others; Bertrand Russell's American Essays 1931-1935, v.2., ed.,with notes, by Harry Ruja. London & New York; Routledge, c1998.* 邦訳書なし
Preface by the editor. Christmas at sea. How people economise. Do dogs think? How people take failure. On conceit. On bores. Politics and sport. On reticence. The good old days. On becoming civilised. On the art of persuading. The prospects of democracy. The admiration of strength. The triumph of stupidity. On utilitarianism. On race hatred. The spirit of adventure. What makes people likeable. On self-righteousness. Emotions about spending money. The origin of victorian virtue. On propriety. I escape from progress. Experts and oligarchs. Fugitive and cloistered virtue. On being ashamed of virtue. Men versus insects. The paralysis of statesmanship. On ortohdoxies. Means to ends. Individual ethics. The cult of the individual. On being argumentative. On mediaevalism. In praise of dullness. The end of pioneering. Combating cruelty. Can we think quickly enough? On discipline. Expecting the Millennium. The churches and war. On loving our neighbours. On self-control. Respect for law. On enthanasia. On equality. The father of the family. On the origins of common customs. On transferring one's anger. On adult education. On curious beliefs. Competitive ethics. Is anybody normal? Egoism. Back to natural? Parental affection. Benevolence and love of power. Irrational opinions. Science and happiness. Social sciences in schools. Race and natoinality. The problem of leisure. What to believe. Instinct in human beings. Fashions in virtues. On comets. Fear and amusement. On curious learning. On being important. Censorshop by progressives. Protecting the ego. Climate and saintliness. Why travel? Obsecure fame. Insanity and insight. On ceremony. Love of money. On specialising. Good manners and hypocrisy. On being insulting. Vigorous and feeble epochs. The decrease of knowledge. Notes. Published essay titles.
* 'This book, the second of a two-volume collection, consists of essays which appeared in the Hearst chain of American newspapers between 1 March 1933 and 19 April 1935, including also 'How people economize' and 'Do dogs think?' which were intended for volume 1 of Mortals and Others but were inadvently omitted'(From: Preface by the editor).