The Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell, compiled and edited by Barry Feinberg - contents
* Source: The Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell, compiled and edited by Barry Feinberg (London; Allen & Unwin, 1972. 349 p. 24 c)Preface by the editor.
'The influence of fiction (by B. Russell)': notes for a speech to the Authors' Club, 11 Feb. 1953.
Pt.I: Longer stories;
The perplexities of John Fortise.
Satan in the suburbs; or, horrors manufactured here.
Zahatopolk. Faith and mountains.
Pt.II: Short stories;
The Corsican ordeal of Miss X.
The infra-redioscope.
The guardians of Parnassus. Benefit of clergy.
The right will prevail; or, the road to Lhasa.
Pt.III: Nightmares;
The Queen of Sheba's nightmare; put not thy trust in princes.
Mr. Bowlder's nightmare.
The metaphysician's nightmare; retro me satanas.
The existentialist's nightmare; the achievement of existence.
The mathematician's nightmare.
Stalin's nightmare.
Eisenhower's nightmare.
Dean Southport vulpes's nightmare; the victory of mind over matter.
The fisherman's nightmare; magna est veritas.
The theologian's nightmare.
Pt.IV: Anecdotes;
Family, friends and others.
Reading history as it is never written.
Pt.V: Medley;
The Boston lady.
Children's stories.
Newly discovered maxims of La rochefoucauld.
A liberal decalogue.
'G' is for Gobbledgegook.
The good citizen's alpahbet & history of the world in epitome.
Auto-obituary (1936)