
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

アラン・ウッド「ラッセルの哲学-その発展についての一研究」II 警告的注解 - 冒頭

* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),野田又夫(訳)『私の哲学の発展』(みすず書房,1960年8月 364+ii pp./1997年9月)

アラン・ウッド「ラッセルの哲学」II 警告的注解_冒頭(松下訳)

Alan Wood : Russell's Philosophy: a Study of its Development -II Cautionary Notes


Some preliminary notes are necessary before beginning to discuss the development of Russell's ideas.
I may often have occasion to write that his thoughts were impelled in a certain direction because of his desire to reach such-and-such a conclusion. This must never be taken as implying that this motive, consciously or unconsciously, affected the results of his thinking: the distinction must be kept absolutely clear cut throughout. It has already been pointed out that the general trend of this thought led to results directly opposite to those he hoped to reach; but the distinction also applies to other motives I may mention incidentally.
There is a danger that, in tracing connections between Russell's ideas and those of his predecessors and contemporaries, an impression may be given that his thought was not so original as it was. This impression may also be fostered by his own over-generosity in acknowledging his debts to others; he once wrote that a philosopher who claimed priority for a discovery was descending to the level of a stockjobber.
Russell probably read more widely than any other contemporary philosopher, with the possible exception of Whitehead. Some of his greatest contributions to philosophy arose through his ability to take a multitude of ideas from many sources and combine them into a fully-wrought system; in the same way that Newton's Prindpia brought together a number of fundamental concepts originated by Galileo. [* Russell's remark (in conversation with Alan Wood) that he owed his achievements to 'pertinacity and obstinacy' can be compared with Newton's: 'I had no special sagacity - only the power of patient thought.'] But even when ideas were suggested in the first place by others, Russell wrote nothing which was not the product of his own mind. The most obvious evidence is in the number of cases (for instance, with neutral monism) where there was a long time-lag before he came to accept another philosopher's point of view.