Nightmares of Eminent Persons, 1954, by Bertrand Russell - contents
* Source: Bertrand Russell : Nightmares of Eminent Persons and Other Stories, illustrated by Charles W. Stewart (London; Bodley Head, 1954. 150 p. illus. 21 cm.)Introduction. n.1
01 The Queen of Sheba's nightmare; put not thy trust in princes.
02 Mr. Bowdler's nightmare; family bliss.
03 The psychoanalyst's nightmare; adjustment - a fugue.
04 The metaphysician's nightmare; retro me satanas.
05 The existentialist's nightmare; the achievement of existence.
06 The mathematician's nightmare; the vision of Professor Squarepunt.
07 Stalin's nightmare; amor vincit omnia (written before Stalin's death).
08 Eisenhower's nightmare; the MaCarthy-Malenkov Pact (written in 1952, during Stalin's life).
09 Dean Acheson's nightmare; the swan-song of Menelaus S. Bloggs(written before Eisenhower's nomination).
10 Dr. Southport Vulpes's nightmare; the victory of mind over matter.
11 Zahatopolk:
1.The past; 2.The present; 3.The trio; 4.Freia; 5.Diotima; 6.Thomas; 7.The future.
12 Faith and mountains.