ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル(著)『原子のABC』第1章 - 冒頭

* 出版:バートランド・ラッセル(著),寮佐吉(訳)『原子のABC』(新光社,1925年9月 3+6+205p. 19cm.)
* 原著:The ABC of Atoms(London; Kegan Paul, 1923. 175 p. 20 cm.)


Chap. 1: Introductory, n.1


To the eye or to the touch, ordinary matter appears to be continuous; our dinner-table, or the chairs on which we sit, seem to present an unbroken surface. We think that if there were too many holes the chairs would not be safe to sit on. Science, however, compels us to accept a quite different conception of what we are pleased to call 'solid' matter; it is, in fact, something much more like the Irishman's definition of a net, 'a number of holes tied together with pieces of string.' Only it would be necessary to imagine the strings cut away until only the knots were left.
When science seeks to find the units of which matter is composed, it is led to continually smaller particles. The largest unit is the molecule, but a molecule is as a rule composed of 'atoms' of several different 'elements.' For example, a molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen, which can be separated from each other by chemical methods. An atom, in its turn, is found to be a sort of solar system, with a sun and planets; the empty regions between the Sun and the planets fill up vastly more space than they do, so that much the greater part of the volume that seems to us to be filled by a solid body is really unoccupied.
In the solar system that constitute an atom, the planets are called 'electrons' and the Sun is called the 'nucleus.' The nucleus itself is not simple except in the case of hydrogen; in all other cases, it is a complicated system consisting, in all likelihood, of electrons and hydrogen nuclei (or protons, as they are also called) .