バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 v036 - vehement
★ vehement【(adj.)熱情的な、熱烈な;激烈な、猛烈な】
* vehemence (n):激烈さ、猛烈さ、熱情
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If I had control of education, I should expose children to the most vehement and eloquent advocates on all sides of every topical question, who should speak to the schools from the BBC.
[もし仮に私が教育を統制管理しているとしたら,私は子供たち(生徒児童)を,あらゆる時事問題について,あらゆる立場の,最も熱心かつ最も雄弁に擁護(主張)する人々 に触れさせ(expose to ~にさらし),その人たちにBBC(英国放送協会)から学校に向けて話をさせたい(放送させたい)。]
He then burst into sobs, just as vehement as if it had been his own foot.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『究極の英単語<SVL>vol.4 超上級の3000語』p.483
She made a vehement attack on the government's policies.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed
If a person or their actions or comments are vehement, the person has very strong feelings or opinions and expresses them forcefully.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed