バートランドラッセル 英単語・熟語 t092 - take away ~ (from ...)
★ take away ~ (from ...)【(・・・)から)~を取り去る、奪う】
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"He decided to act in four ways. Firstly, by exterminating the families of those lords whom he had despoiled, so as to take away that pretext from the pope.
[「彼(チェザーレ・ボルジア)は,4つの方法で行動することを決めた。第一(の方法)は,自分が過去に略奪した領主(諸侯)の家族を皆殺しにすること。それは(それらの家族の訴えによって)教皇に口実を与えない(take away ~ from 口実をとりさる)ためであった。 ]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
His refusal to accept the prize does not take away from his success in winning it.
出典:Longman Dictionary for Contemporary English, new ed.
If something takes away from an achievement, success, or quality, or takes something away from it, it makes it seem lower in value or worth than it should be.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed