バートランドラッセル 英単語・熟語 t089 - take advantage of
★ take advantage of【~を利用する】
* 悪い意味(「つけこむ」)でも使われる。
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[権力の心理との関連で(In connection with),我々は恐怖(心),激しい怒り及びその他の激しい集団的興奮が人々を指導者に盲目的につき従わせがちであり,大部分の場合,指導者は追従者たちの指導者への信頼をうまく利用して自分自身を暴君に仕立て上げる。]
Mathematical philosophy on the Continent was divided between two schools, the Formalists and the Intuitionists, both of whom rejected totally the derivation of mathematics from logic and took advantage of the contradictions to justify their rejection.
[ヨーロッパ大陸における数理哲学は、形式主義者(Formalists)と直観主義者(Intuitionists)との二つの学派に分れており、いずれも、数学を論理学から導出することに全面的に反対し、その反対を正当化するのに論理的矛盾(注:ラッセルのパラドクスなど)を利用していた。 ]
An Italian magnate of the sixteenth century, on his deathbed, told the priest that he repented of only one thing, namely, that he had not taken advantage of an opportunity to murder both the Pope and the Emperor at once, which would have secured him a place in history.
They said she was no lady, a baby-snatcher, a low-class adventuress, a designing female taking advantage of my inexperience, a person incapable of all the finer feelings, a woman whose vulgarity would perpetually put me to shame.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Take advantage of every opportunity that comes up.
出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p219
You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence.
出典:Longman Dictionary for Contemporary English, new ed.
If someone takes advantage of you, they treat you unfairly for their own benefit, especially when you are trying to be kind or to help them.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed