バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s109 - sob
★ sob【(vi) すすり泣く,涙にむせぶ; | (vt) すすり泣きながら話す || (n):すすり泣き,泣きじゃくり】
* 活用: sobbed; sobbing。"sober"(しらふ)とスペルを混同しないこと。
* burst into sobs 突然めそめそと泣き出す,わっと泣き出す
* sob story お涙頂戴式の物語
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* "sobs" と複数形になっていることの注意
When my boy saw his mother extracting a thorn with a needle from her foot, he said anxiously, "It doesn't hurt, mummy." She said it did, wishing to give him a lesson in not making a fuss. He insisted that it didn't hurt, whereupon she insisted that it did. He then burst into sobs, just as vehement as if it had been his own foot.
Cases of this sort show that the appeal with a sob in the voice to the interests of little children, when pushed to an extreme, is only an excuse for cruelty.
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She fell down on the floor and started sobbing.[彼女は床に崩れてすすり泣き始めた。]
出典:『東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.517
I heard a child sobbing loudly.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.