バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 r084 -★ reasoning
★ reasoning (n)【推論,推理;論法;推理力;(集合的に)論拠】
* logical reasoning 論理的な推論
* reasoning power 推理力
* reason (v):;論理的に考える,推論する;説きつける(with)~を判断する || (n) 道理、理屈;理性
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This is a question of reasoning with himself in those moments in which he is tempted to become infantile, but the reasoning, if it is sufficiently emphatic, may be very brief.
In later life, whenever he came upon an argument tending to show that his father's philosophy might have been mistaken, he shied away from it like a frightened horse, thereby greatly diminishing the value of his reasoning powers.
[後年彼は,父親の哲学が間違っていたかもしれないということをあきらかにしそうな論拠を思いつくたびに,まるでおびえた馬のように後ずさりし(shied away from / shay の過去形),それによって,彼の推論能力(推理力)の価値を大いに減少させてしまった。]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
His argument is always based on sound reasoning.[彼の議論はいつも適切な論法に基いている。]
出典:『キクタン super 12000 - 聞いて覚えるコーパス英単語』p.27
According to their reasoning lower oil prices will stimulate business activity in the poorer countries.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.