バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 r063 - resign
★ resign (v)【辞職する;放棄する,あきらめる】
* re = 再び , sign = 署名(する)→ 就職する時にサインし、やめる時にまたサインする(つまり辞職),と覚えればよい?
* resign oneself to A :Aをあきらめて受け入れる,甘受する
* resignation (n):辞職;あきらめ
* with resignation あきらめて
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Resignation, however, has also its part to play in the conquest of happiness, and it is a part no less essential than that played by effort.
I have the misfortune to live in a country whose government is composed almost entirely of men over seventy. There were originally several younger men, but they resigned.
[私は,不運にも,ほぼ全員70歳を越えた老人によって政府が成り立っている国 (英国)に住んでいる。政府には組閣当時,何人か70歳以下の若い人がいたが辞職してしまった。]
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He resigned from his position at a big company and started his own business. / Emi resigned herself to living with her mother-in-law.
出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.312
You have the choice between resignation and dismissal.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.