バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 r020 - reconcile
★ reconcile (v) [仲直りさせる,和解させる;調停する;(2つの意見・行動などを)一致させる]
* reconciliation (n):和解, 調停;調和,一致
* 森一郎『改訂新版 試験にでる英語』p.95説明: re = again , concile = council(会談)→ 「再び会談して一致点に達するようにする」
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Do agnostics think that science and religion are impossible to reconcile?
(B. Russell) The answer turns upon what is meant by 'religion'. If it means merely a system of ethics, it can be reconciled with science. If it means a system of dogma, regarded as unquestionably true, it is incompatible with the scientific spirit, which refuses to accept matters of fact without evidence, and also holds that complete certainty is hardly ever impossible.
[(質問) 不可知論者は科学と宗教が調和することは不可能であると考えるか?
The view that seems to me to reconcile the materialistic tendency of psychology with the anti-materialistic tendency of physics is the view of William James and the American new realists, according to which the 'stuff' of the world is neither mental nor material, but a 'neutral stuff,' out of which both are constructed.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
How do you reconcile your political principles with your religious beliefs?[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]
an attempt to reconcile the need for industrial developmnet with concern for the environment.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]