バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 r013 - reduce
★ reduce (v) [ 減らす,(濃度を)薄める;縮める;(・・・をある状態に)する;引き下げる;(化)還元する;(数)通分する;
* reduced (adj.):減じた;切り詰めた;落ちぶれた
* reducible (adj.): 縮小(減少)することができる;還元できる
* reduction (n) : 縮小,削減;割引;低下;格下げ;(化)還元;(数)約分
* reductionist (n): 還元主義者
* 森一郎『<改訂新版>試験にでる英単語』p.150説明:"re" = down, duce = lead, 従って「下に導く,引き下げる」( be reduced to ashes 灰燼に帰す)。
* 『東工大英単-科学技術例文集』p.207説明:「濃度を薄める」とは逆に「煮詰める」という意味もある。
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In the early nineteenth century, in England, all the forces of upper-class religion were devoted to persuading people that the poor could only be kept virtuous by low wages and that, since virtue is the greatest of goods, it was the duty of Christian employers to reduce wages to the utmost possible extent.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Approaches to works of art which explain them entirely as products of their historical context are often criticized as reductionist.
I bought this shirt because it was reduced (from $50 to $25). / We can reduce the report to three main points.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]