バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 r001 - rational
★ rational (adj.) [理性的な;正気の;合理的な;有理数の]
* irrational (adj.):理性のない;分別のない * irrationally (adv.):非理性的に;非合理に
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* 世間では「理性」の意味を取り違えている・・・?
* "rational" は,ここでは「合理的」という意味ではなく,「理性的」という意味ではないか?)
[理性的 - 証拠のある意見に基づかないで
出典:Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen's AlphabetRの項」]
But I think there is a prior error on the part of my critics, which is that they, not I, irrationally over-estimate the part which reason is capable of playing, and this comes I think from the fact that they are in complete confusion as to what the word 'reason' means.
To find ways of minimizing hatred and envy is no doubt part of the function of a rational psychology.
Grown men like to imagine themselves more rational than children and dogs, and unconsciously conceal from themselves how great a part impulse plays in their lives.