バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 m084 - mundane
★ mundane [ (adj.) 現世の;世俗的な;平凡な,つまらない]
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In India, down to the present day, many holy men live on the alms of the faithful, because anything so mundane as earning one's living is incompatible with the life of saintly contemplation.
Countries which believe in resignation and what is mistakenly called a 'spiritual' view of life are countries with a high infant mortality. Medicine, hygiene, asepsis, suitable diet, are things not achieved without mundane preoccupations.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『究極の英単語<SVL> Vol.4 超上級の3000語』p.177
On a more mundane level, can we talk about the timetable for next week?
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.
Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed