バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 l019 - legal
★ legal 【法律の,法律上の;法定の;適法の,合法の】
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[『自由と組織』(Freedom and Organization, 1934)を書き上げると,私は,テレグラフ・ハウスに戻ってドーラ(注:離婚調停中の妻)にどこか他のところで暮らすように言おう,と決心した。それは財政上の理由からであった。私は,テレグラフ・ハウスのために,年400ポンドの賃借料を支払う法律上の義務を負っていた。
Why, then, do we all object to brigandage? We cannot object on the ground that the brigand has no right to the rich man's property, since the rich man is merely the descendant or legal heir of some earlier brigand. We object because law and order are desirable, and when men have acquired property by force it is usually desirable to confirm their possession by legal enactment. Within a state, it has been found a good plan to forbid all force except that of the government, in order that people may not lose their time, their money, and even their lives, in fighting each other. The 'right' of a man to his property, in short, is merely a matter of social convenience.
* brigandage (n):山賊行為;略奪
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
the legal profession / a legal person
出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]
It is legal for people over 18 to buy alcohol.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]
Legal aid is money given by the government or another organization to people who cannot afford to pay for a lawyer.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 3rd ed.]