バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e077 - earthly
★ earthly (adj.)【地球の,地上の;この世の,俗界の(wordly);一体全体】
* earthly paradise 地上の楽園
* (反対) heavenly
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In submission to the Divine Will there is a sense of ultimate safety, which has led to religious abasement in many monarchs who could not submit to any merely earthly being.
The criminal who eluded earthly justice could not escape from the Divine wrath, which had decreed for impenitent murderers a punishment infinitely more terrible than hanging.
[地上の裁き(justice 裁判)を免れた罪人も,神の激しい怒り(the Divine wrath)から逃れることは出来ず,神の激怒は悔い改めない殺人者に死刑(絞首刑)よりも恐ろしい終わりのない罰を命ずるものであった。]
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There is no earthly use for it.[全然用途がない。]
出典:Kenkyusha's New Collegiate English-Japanese Dictinary, 4th ed.
Earthly means happening in the material world of our life on earth and not in any spiritual life or life after death.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.