ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c197 - catch up with

★ catch up with【~に追いつく】

* catch up : 急いで取り上げる、つかむ;・・・に追いつく


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Many American pioneers, after suffering long hardship and privation, sold their farms and moved further West as soon as civilization caught up with them. .

But, since they must be included in the totality, it can never catch up with them. The process is like trying to jump on to the shadow of your head. .
 出典:ラッセル『私の哲学の発展』第7章 「数学原理ーその哲学的側面


It is difficult to catch up with Japan in the production of cars.
 出典:『解体英熟語 改訂第2版』p.48

After missing school for a week, she had lots of schoolwork to catch up with.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.495

Japan has caught up with Europe and America in medicine.

She was terrified that one day her past problems would catch up with her.
 出典: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.

When people catch up with someone who has done something wrong, they succeed in finding them in order to arrest or punish them.
 出典: Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learner's, new ed.
